A/N: big update

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Omg thank you all for 8.2ok you have no idea how much this means to me this story was a Start to a big step of my future. Writing this made me realize I want to become an author and become more serious with it. I got more comfortable creating my own characters and now I have over 5 original books ideas 3 I'm working on at the moment 1 of those 3 I posted on my account.

I know my writing wasn't the best in this (I was 15 with horrible grammar and not taking much seriously) but now I've grown and if you'd like to follow my journey and see how much I've improved within 2 years I finally gain the courage to post my first book Wing-Ghost

If you agree to join this journey I hope you are as proud of me as I am of myself.

Though I may not write as many fan fics they will all ways be in my heart, it's what got me going in many different ways. So thank you dearly for everyone who chooses to continuously support me you mean the absolute world to me truly.

                                                             -Nebe King

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