Chapter: sixteen

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Here's my apology in advance

Hyunjin pov

I really want to tell seungmin about my feelings I'm nervous I don't know how he would take it but I can't hold my feelings back anymore. I'm going to stop by his dorm and hang out with him. I don't know how I'm going to confess to him but I am! I got dressed and limited my long hair put on my shoes and left to go to  Seungmin's dorm.

I knocked on the door and Felix opened it but he looked like he was about to go out. Probably to see changbin.

"Looking for Seungmin?" Felix asked smirking I rolled my eyes and nodded "he's at the store so you will have to wait" he smiled waving goodbye Leaving the dorm I nodded and went into the dorm sitting on Seungmins bed. About 5 minutes later seungmin walks in with some bags I go up to help him. He looks shocked to see me but smiles anyways

"Hey what are you doing here?" He asked

"I just wanted to see you" I smiled he nodded and took some of the food out.

"Ok you can stay for dinner again ill save some for Felix and Jisung in case they come back," he said preparing the food

"Need any help?" I asked he nodded and gave me some orders

We finished cooking he put the food in the oven and we waited for 15 minutes. It was nice though. Then we took it out and ate our food. After Seungmin but it is in bins for Felix and Jisung when they get home.

I and him sat on the couch and watched a movie I wasn't really focused on the movie. Seungmin is so handsome. I really like him I don't know how to tell him. Seungmin looked at me and smiled. "You ok Jinnie?" He asked facing me now

"Yeah" I smiled I couldn't stop looking at his lips but I could stop myself I kissed him. I knew it was wrong to kiss him like this I pulled back quickly and freaked out

"SHIT seungmin I'm so fucking sorry fuck!" I said getting up he didnt say anything he just had a shocked expression my eyes started tearing up I got up and headed to the door. "Seungmin I'm so sorry," I said then I walked out of the dorm back to my own.

I crashed on my bed and started sobbing I can't believe I just did that and without his consent Hwang Hyunjin how could be so fucking stupid. What if he hates you now! Because of your stupid crush, you could lose your best friend! I sobbed some more in my pillow I fucking hate this!

Seungmin pov

What just happened? I'm so confused. Hyunjin kissed me. Hwang Hyunjin kissed ME! And I liked it? I don't know! I'm so confused. I felt my emotions build up and started to overwhelm me. I tried to shake it off but I can't. I need to talk to Chan.

I got up got my shoes on and went to his dorm. I knocked on the door and I see changbin opened it. A little out of breath I asked "i-is chan here?" He nodded and made room for me to enter. I went to chans room and knocked on the door. He opened it and looked shocked to see me. My feeling got the best of me and I started crying. Chan instantly pulled me into his room and hugged me.

"Hey hey hey what's wrong?" He asked rubbing my arms

"Hyunjin kissed me and I don't know what to do he left Chan I'm so confused I don't know if I like him or fuck I don't know!" I sob leaning into his chest he sat me on his bed rubbing my head

"Do you think you like him?" Chan asked

"I don't know he's my best friend he's a great guy," I said chan wrapped an arm around me in a comforting way.

"Tell me what you think about him." He said whipping my eyes

"He's funny nice always understandable. I feel safe with him the most. I'm so confused right now Chan." I said eyes tearing up again

"Ok how about you sleep you stay in my room and sleep the night here," he said gesturing me to his bed I nodded and took off my shoes going under the covers almost instantly falling asleep I felt chan rub my head softly as I fell asleep.

Jeongin pov

I walked in to see hyunjin sleeping I smiled and got an idea to see Chan it was a little late I'm sure he won't mind. I made my way to his dorm and knocked on the door Changbin opened the door and smiled I asked him to come in he nodded and let me in he then went back to his room.

I walked to chans door and knocked on it. He opened the door in a tank top and looked at me shocked. I got a glimpse of inside his room and I saw Seungmin in his bed. My heart dropped. Why would he be there? I took a deep breath and ask chan.

"Is that seungmin?" I asked my voice trembling

"Oh yeah he had a rough day so he came here" Chan smiled

"Oh ok'' I nodded my eyes watering a little bit I looked again does he have a shirt on?

"Why are you here?" He asked

"Oh I thought this was Changbins room sorry bye," I said quickly before he said anything else I left. I left right out the door and back to the dorm. I walked in and started crying. I woke hyunjin up. He got alarmed and got up checking on me

"I.N what's wrong?" He asked walking up to me

"I thought you and Seungmin were going to get together!" I sobbed I felt I was being a little dramatic but I can't help it I'm emotional.

"Ok calm down what happened?" He asked

"I saw seungmin in Chan's bed," I said covering my face

"What?" He asked his face dropped "what do you mean he was in Chan's bed?" He asked

"I saw him in his bed Hyunjin!" I exclaimed hyunjin seemed angry at this

"I just want to sleep hyunjin I'm sorry," I said walking to my bed and slept with the image of Seungmin in his bed. Just why.

Sorry again but it will get better...or will it? Haven't decided

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