Chapter: nine

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Chan pov

Today is when I hang out with Jeongin. I'm so nervous! I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair should I straighten it? Maybe. No, too much work. I looked at myself in the mirror and pointed at myself

"Don't fuck this up Chris" I said to myself and took a deep breath then got dressed

I walk out of my room but paused with a saw Changbin with a small grin

"Well don't you look nice" he grinned

"What do you want?" I asked

"Nothing just wishing you good luck!" He smiled and hugged me making me a little confused but I hugged back

I left the dorm and pulled my phone out texting him

"Hey what me to meet you at your dorm?" I sent it patiently waiting for him to respond

"Yeah sure, I'm almost ready, see you soon! <3" I smiled putting my phone up and walking to his dorm which isn't as far as I thought.

I knock on the door to see Hyunjin and Seungmin. Oh, dear.

"Hi, Chan!" Seungmin smiled and waved

"Hi Seungmin" I smiled back Hyunjin nodded at me. I stood there awkwardly.

"So are you gonna let me in or I wait out here?" I asked fidgeting with my hands

"Oh sorry, you can come in!" Seungmin smiled at me moving Hyunjin to make room for me to enter I smiled and walked in

I can tell which side is Hyunjins and which side is Jeongin, Hyunjin is creative but bland and is neat but Jeongin is kind of bright and it's adorable. He has stuffed animals on his bed and pictures of what I'm assuming is his family. It's perfect just like him.

We see Jeongin walk out of the bathroom in a black crop top with a white shirt under it and black jeans with black and white converse. He looked good. I just wore a black sweater with black swear pants and a hat. He looked way better than me!

"Hi, channie!" He smiled

"Hi, you ready to go?" I asked with a big smile he nodded making his way out grabbing my hand as he passes taking me by surprise

"Where are we going?" he asked with a smile

"There's this new cafe I've wanted to try! They sell all kinds of drinks, pastures, and breakfast too!" I said smiling

"Ok! Lead the way!" he smiled then I realized that he was holding my hand the whole time I blushed a little and walked him to the cafe was while holding his hand

We got there and ordered our food. I smiled at home and talked to him about small stuff. The bell rung and a guy walked in he looked at jeongin and smiled walking up to us making me confused. Jeongin notice but right before he turned around the guy hugged him.

"Hi innie!" The guy smiled all I did was watch that's all I could do.

"Hey Tyler what are you doing here?" He asking then glancing at me as if he's telling me sorry I just gave him a small smile saying it was ok.

"Oh I was just getting some sweets for me and my brother" the guy smiled

"Oh nice tell him I said hi" jeongin smiled "of course" he smiled I just sat there awkwardly

"Who's this?" He asked looking at me "im chan" I said a little bluntly

"Oh nice to meet you man" he smiled and reached him hand out I almost didn't take it but I did it to be polite

"Well I better get going bye chan, bye innie" he smiled and hugged him again. Then he took his food and left

jeongin looked back at me and smiled

"I'm sorry about that" he smiled at me

"It's ok is he your friend or family member..." i trailed on not wanting to ask anything else.

"An old friend we used to live in the same neighborhood so I knew his family they're great" he smiled

I smiled and nodded

I ate some of the cake and drunk half of the drink. When we got done I walked him back to his dorm

"Today was fun" he smiled looking at me I nodded smiling back

"Yeah we should do it more often- I mean if your ok with that cuz if your not that's cool too" I smiled nervously

He kissed my cheek making me freeze "sorry I didnt know how else to make you stop talking" he said with wide eyes

"I-its fine" I smiled feeling my check burn with heat

"Ok and yes I would love you hang out with you again" he smiled I smiled wider

"Can- can I hug you?" I asked he nodded and wrapped my arms around his shoulders and wrapped his arms around my waist. I buried my head into his neck smiling. We stayed like that for a little bit then let go.

"Have a good rest of your day!" I smiled he nodded then let go of my hand.

Not gonna lie when I got back to my dorm I squealed in my pillow can you blame me? I heard my door crack I see Minho and Changbin looking at me smiling.

"How did it go?" Changbin asked with a smirk

"Fucking amazing" I breathed out

"You can cuss?" Minho asked shocked I laughed and hugged my pillow

"So what happed" changbin giggles sitting next to me on my bed

"He kissed my check!" I smiled making changbin gasp minho just smiled more and then hugged me

"Aw that's so sweet!" Minho smiled

"Wait no if your guys start dating now ill have to owe felix $30 bucks MINHO ASK JISUNG SOON!!" Changbin yelled and minho

"Felix betted against me?" He asked a little offended

"We're Australian bros mate we have to stick together!" I joked laughing

"Seriously plan something!" Changbin told minho

"You want this for me or so you can get $30 bucks?" He asked glaring at him

"BOTH!" He shouted making me giggle

"Fine! Ill ask him sooner than Chan asks jeongin out!" Minho smiled and walked out the room I just shook my head and put my covers over me then took a nap. Today was amazing.

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