Chapter: three

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Minhos pov

it's now Saturday and we are all now getting ready to go to the mall. I walk into Chan's room and see him in a crop top, not a short one though. I smirked and walked next to him. "you look nice" I smiled

"Thanks, I didn't have any clean long shirts so I have to wear one of my crop tops" he explained

"Why haven't you done laundry yet?" I asked wrapping my arm around him

"because IT'S SOMEONE's TURN TO DO IT AND THEY NEVER FUCKIN DID!!!" he yells making sure changbin hears making me laugh.

"ILL DO IT TODAY!!!!" changbin yelled back

"bullshit" chan muttered I chuckled and look at his abs I smirk

"well at least your abs look nice" I smiled patting his stomach walking out the door laughing a little.

"Thanks," he said sounding unsure making me chuckle

changbin walks into the living room confused "whats going on?" he asked with a small smile

"Just wait" is all I said waiting for chan to come out. He walks out changbin eyes go wide and it quickly changes to him looking chan up and down biting his lip jokingly. Chan gave him a blank look.

"I'm happy I didn't do laundry yet," he said grinning making chan grab for his bag getting ready to throw it at Changbin. "I JUST JOKING- OW" he yelled making me burst out laughing.

"let's just go" chan smiled shaking his head me and changbin giggled

"lee know you look good too" changbin smiled making me glare at him "what I'm telling the truth I like your arms" he smiled I rolled my eyes and smiled

we made it to the mall changbin left I'm guessing to look for I.N. We made it to the group and we see changbin covering I.Ns eyes.

"no you can't look!" he says smiling

"ahh why?" he says confused and a little panicked chan just gave Chang a 'are you serious look'. I.N removed Chang's hand holding on to it he saw Chan his eyes went wide and put Chang's hand back making him burst out laughing. I laughed with him.

seungmin looked at him and smiled "you look nice" he said kindly at Chan. hyunjin looks at seungmin frowning a little.

"thank you who are you again?" he asked trying not to sound rude

"oh I'm seungmin" he introduced himself shaking chan's hand he nodded

Chan pov

seungmin seems sweet. Walk over to Felix and pulled him over "oo you have abs" he said in a funny voice this was a mistake. "I'm sorry" he giggled and hugged me I just took his hand and pulled him over to meet changbin

"Changbin meet my friend Felix, Felix meet my friends Changbin" I smiled Felix smiled at him I smirk and winked at changbin and went over to Han, minho, and Seungmin

"hello" I smiled putting my elbow on minho shoulder

"hey chan!" han smiled

"hey, how is the songwriting going?" I asked

"Oh don't remind me," he said with his head down I walk over to him and put my arm around him "I'm sure you will do great!" And hugged him he hugged me back

I look at minho and saw him glaring at me. I smiled and went to hug him. He smiled rolling his eyes we sat down on a couch well I sat on top of the couch minho in front I had my arms around him. I looked at Han he looked upset looking at us. It clicked was- no maybe hold on. I decided to test the waters. I sit behind minho and get close to him looking at his phone, I glance at Han as I put my hand on minho check patting it. Minho looked at me smiled and put his phone up to me letting me watch the video he was watching. Han looked more upset. Ok yeah, he's probably jealous. I denied watching the video and got up to bother Felix and Changbin

Baby I'm Jealous ||Minsung|| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now