Chapter: seventeen

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Seungmin pov

I woke up in Chan's room with Chan laying beside me. My eyes went wide and I shot up. I uncovered myself to see I still have my clothes up. I signed in relief I didn't think we did but just to make sure. I felt Chan move and wake up.

"hey" he grumbled

"Hey thanks for letting me spend the night," I said with a small smile he nodded and basically rolled out of bed and got up. I chuckle he looks so tired.

"you want breakfast?" he asked I shook my head no "no I'm going to head back to my dorm," I said he nodded

"um try to figure out your feelings and please talk to hyunjin he probably thinks you hate him." chan mumbled I nodded and walked out of the room and out of the dorm before the others saw me.

I went to my dorm and changed my clothes. I then fixed my hair and brushed my teeth. I sat on my bed and think about what I should do. I want Hyunjin to know I'm not mad at him, it wasn't a bad kiss just caught me by surprise. But do I like him? I don't know I've never really thought about a relationship for so long. I know I don't wanna lose him. Ok, I'm going to go talk to him and see where it goes and tell him my feelings.

I put my shoes on and walked to Hyunjins dorm. I knocked on the door and I see jeongin open the door his eye red and puffy.

"oh wow, Jeongin are you ok?" I asked with a worried expression

"oh shut up" he mumbled back his voice breaking catching me by surprise. "ok but is Hyunjin here?" I asked "why do you care?" he asked making me confused "because I really need to talk to him," I said he rolled his eyes and let me in. did he wake up on the wrong side of the bed?

I saw Hyunjin his eyes were red and puffy too. I felt a pang of guilt. "hey Hyunjin can we talk outside?" I asked he nodded quietly and followed me outside

"Are you ok?" I asked he rolled his eyes and scoffed "is Chan ok?" he snarked

"whats that's supposed to mean?" I asked

"don't act innocent jeongin saw you in his bed last night!" he said looking like he was going to cry

"wait what? what do you think happened?" I asked feeling a little upset he would think I would do that to Jeongin

"you know what I think!" he exclaimed

"I didnt fucking sleep with Chan, not like that!" I said, "I would never do that to jeongin and you!" I said raising my voice slightly Hyunjin lowered his head

"ok I'm sorry for assuming," he said in a low voice

"it's fine I just came to talk to you about yesterday," I said wanting to get to the point

"Seungmin I'm so sorry for what I did I kissed you without consent I get if you don't want to talk to me for a while I really shouldn't have done that, I just don't wanna ruin our friendship but I get it if you don't forgive me," he said sincerely

"it's ok I didnt hate the kiss nor do I hate you for kissing me it just caught me off guard. Do you like me as more than a friend?" I asked making sure before I talk about my feelings

he shyly nodded making me smile

"ok well I'm going, to be honest here, I don't know if I return the feelings you have for me. I never really thought about a relationship so I don't know if I'm ready. I don't want to ruin anything between us. All I ask is for you to give me time." I said he nodded and smiled at me.

"Ok ill give you time I trust you and if you don't like me back that's ok too. I really care about you and I don't want you to feel pressured." He said smiling I held my arms out for a hug which he took with a smile I buried my face in his neck. I'll figure out my feelings soon I promise hyunjin.

"Wanna come in?" He asked I nodded I also have to talk to Jeongin about this misunderstanding. We walked in and I saw jeongin glaring at me making hyunjin chuckle

"Jeongin I didnt sleep with Chan I just asked for advice and he helped me. I just stayed over at his dorm. There is nothing between me and him" I said chuckling at the end Jeongin looked up at me his eyes brows raised "really?" He asked I nodded smiling

"So he's single?" He asked I smiled and nodded he smiled at that. I'm sorry Chan for doing this but you'll thank me later

"Also he asked about you when we were at the studio the second time. He told me he had his eye on you for a little bit. He likes you!" I smiled his face dropped in disbelief

"Are you serious?" He asked with a little smile I nodded with a smile he got up smiling and jumped around "yes- oh I have to go talk to him and maybe ask him out!" He smiled and ran out of the dorm.

"Ok, innie have fun!" I smiled hyunjin squinted his eye and grabbed the bridge of his nose "and he's going in his pajamas" he said covering his face I laughed at that.

"You want breakfast? Or have you eaten?" He asked I nodded no and said yes to eating.

I'm happy we had it all cleared up. I care about Hyunjin and I don't want to hurt him. I'll figure it out soon.

Hehehehe it's my birthday today

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