Chapter: Ten

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Minho pov

Chan beating me? No way I'll ask jisung out today! Wait no hes busy today. Then after I'll do something for him and then maybe later I'll ask him out. I don't know! I'll do it when the time is right! For now I'll hang out with changbin. I go to walk in his room to see felix and him cuddling

"Oi mate wassup" Felix smiled I smiled back

"I'm alone Chan is doing work so is Hannie and I'm pretty sure Seungmin and Hyunjin are hanging out again, I don't know what Jeongin doing to be honest." I said sitting in changbins chair

"You should hang out with Han!" Changbin smiled

"Or you could hang out with us!" Felix smiled making changbin smile

"I see what your doing wanting to win the bet not happening! Minho, Han loves hanging out with you I'm sure he would like you supporting him! So hang out with him take him to dinner and stuff" Changbin smiled making felix roll his eyes

"Ok and felix how dare you vote against me man!" I said offended

"I'm sorry but I really want Chan and Jeongin to get together Jeongin has had his eyes on Chan for a while!" Felix whined

"Fair but still!" I said

"I hope you and Han work things out though!" He smiled

"It will I'll go see him right now thanks Changbin bye!" I smiled and left the room then got changed in comfortable pants and baggy shirt. I then went to Hans studio building. Before I went there I brought us some drinks and snacks.

I walked to his door and knocked he looked at the window shocked to see me I smiled and held to bag up. He chucked and opened the door.

"What's up!" He smiled

"I just wanted to spend time with you" I smiled sitting down in the chair next to him

"That sweet I'm sorry I'm just stressed about writing this song I've been having writers block all week it sucks minho" he pouted I opened my arms asking if he wanted a hug he hugged me and buried his face in my chest.

"It's ok your brain is wonderful and so creative trust me it will come to you soon love" i whispered

"Your the best minho" he said hugging me tighter he sounded like he was crying so I pulled him away and cupped his face to see tears running down his face

"Wait no don't cry!" I chuckled whipping his tears away

"I'm sorry" he said crying some more I just pulled him into another hug "I've just been so stressed and I haven't had much time to spend with you or the others. I really don't wanna loose you guys" he said almost sobbing

"Your not gonna lose any of us I won't let you lose me, and you know Felix won't let you lose him" I smiled making him chuckle

"Yeah thank you" he said sitting up whipping his face

"Of course" I smiled come on minho just say it tell him you love him! "Uh you want some snacks?" I asked a little awkwardly he smiled and nodded his head then I gave him some chips I felt disappointed in myself why can't I just say it!

"You wanna hang out after your done we can get dinner if you want?" I asked blandly

"Um yeah sure you ok?" He asked no

"yeah I'm fine just have a lot on my mind ya know?" I said he nodded

"You can talk to me like how I talk to you just now. I mean if you want to I don't wanna force anything on you." He said I just smiled

"Don't worry I'll tell you soon!" I said and hugged him rubbing his head. If he doesn't like me back it's going to hurt so bad! I thought as my eyes start to water but I whipped them away.

"Good I care about a lot!" He smiled and me I smiled back

~ a few hours later ~

Not gonna lie I fell asleep in the chair while Han worked. He shook me awake with a small smile.

"Oh sorry" I said sitting up rubbing my face

"Your fine you seemed tired anyways. But I'm done now if you wanna go out or we can hang out in the dorms if you're too tired" he said looking at me

"No it's fine we can go out now when you're ready" I smiled still looking a little sleepy making Han giggle

"Your hairs a mess" he laughs standing up fixing it he looked a me and smiled petting my hair "there better" he smiled ok it's official Hans going to be the death of me

I smiled and got up then walked out the room waiting for him to follow. He packed his stuff and followed me. We went to this nice Japanese restaurant to get sushi. We ordered then ate making jokes while we ate. I couldn't help but to stare I have to think this through!

"You ok?" Hand ask snapping me out of my thoughts

"Oh yeah sorry just thinking" I said I think that made him more worried because he frowned

"I'm fine I promise Han" I reassured he just nodded

I took a deep breath and did it

"Hannie I like you more than a friend" I said my eyes widen as I froze he froze too he had his chopsticks in his mouth and slowly chewed. Fuck fuck maybe this was a bad idea.

"I- im sorry" I stutter and just looked down I felt my eyes water. Why wasn't he saying anything FUCK!

"Minho" he said I couldn't look at him I felt him hold my hand making me look at him

"Minho I like you too" he said smiling a little and ate some more of his food my head snapped at him in surprise.

"Wait really you're not fucking with me are you because if you are you're dead to me!" I said pointing at him making he chuckle

"No why would I lie to you like that or lie at all I really like you lee know" he smiled



"Wow ok well wanna go on a date?" I asked not really knowing what to say

"Aren't we on one already?" Han teased I laughed

"I mean a real date were I'll be wearing better clothes and stuff" I smiled

"But you always look good" he smiled making me blush

"So do you" I smiled " but seriously can i take you out on a date?" I asked

"Of course you can!" He smiled cutely

Ahhh this feeling is amazing

Hans pov


Calm yourself. You're still at the restaurant but AHHHHHHHH I'm going out with my crush who happens to be my best friend EEEEEEEE!!!!

Baby I'm Jealous ||Minsung|| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now