Chapter: thirteen

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Chan pov

I got up and got ready to hang out with jeongin. I wore a white shirt with a light blue jean jacket and blue jeans. I brushed my teeth and tried to fix my hair I didn't feel like straightening it so it was a little messy. I got my bag and went to his dorm. I knocked on it and he opened the door this time. Why is he so cute. He wore a bright blue shirt that kind of looked like a crop top with blue loose ripped jeans. He looked adorable.

"Hi, channie!" He said my heart tightened at that I smiled at him

"Hey!" I greeted he closed the door behind him and we walked down the hallway

"So what do you want to do?" I asked we didn't have any plans we just wanted to hang out together

"Wanna go to the park then later we can eat together" he smiled I nodded and we made our way to the park we sat down on the bench and talked. I love his voice, especially when he's talking about something he likes or is excited about. I love his smile too he is so ughhh.

We got to the point where my arm was around him and him laying his head on my shoulder just talking and making jokes. I really really like him!


"Huh?" I replied getting snapped out of my thoughts

"Whatcha thinking about?" He asked smiling

'You' i thought

"What about me?" He asked making my eyes go wide. Did I seriously say that out loud what is wrong with me

I felt my face heat up as he waited for me to respond

"How cute you are," I said truthfully then feeling embarrassed I looked at him to see him shocked but blushing he scoffed playfully

"Be truthful" he chucked how dare he not think he's cute

"I am you're adorable!" I said smiling wanting him to believe me

"Stop!" He said covering his face I thought it was adorable

"You don't think you're cute?" I asked sitting up still with my arm around him

"It's not that I don't think I'm cute I just don't get a lot of compliments!" He explained I smiled and hugged him

"Then I will compliment you more often as a reminder you're perfect to me" I smiled he got even redder I smiled at it

Jeongin pov

What is this man doing to me! Making me feel all soft and flustered inside! He's so sweet! I wanna hug him so I did. He paused for a second then hugged me back rubbing my head I buried my face into his shoulder and smiled.

"Thank you channie," I said it coming out like a muffle

"Of course, ill always be here for you," he said kissing me on the forehead

Ok, I want to date him. I can't tell if he likes me as a lover or a comfortable friend I'll talk to hyunjin about it later.

A few hours later we went to the snack place we brought food and sat at a table. Chan was so cute when he got excited about the food I couldn't help but giggle. He looked at me confused

"You're cute when you get excited about food," I said now it was his turn to blush he smiled shyly avoiding eye contact

We ate our food and then we hung out some more by this time it was getting late so he walked me back to my dorm. Before I went inside I hugged him and smiled as he hugged back. His hugs are the best!

"Thanks for today I hope we can hang out soon again" I smiled he nodded smiling too

"yeah always!" He smiled, then I walked in the dorm to see hyunjin waiting for me

"I need help."


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