Chapter 1

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"(Y/N) WAKE UP!"
My head snaps up off my desk and i look around the room. My teacher is glaring at me and all my classmates have turned in there desks to look in the back corner of the room where i was currently sitting. I heard i few snickers come from the kids around me. "Glad you could finally join us Mr. (L/N)" My teacher says sarcastically. My face heats up from embarrassment. I already hated math class. I wasn't any good at it. "Now that i have everyone's full attention. Maybe i can continue the lesson." The teacher says turning back to the chalkboard. Just as his chalk hits the surface the bell marking the end off the period goes off. Everyone including me quickly grabs their stuff and rushes out of the room. As i'm about to head through the door way i hear my teacher. "Not so fast (Y/N). I'd like a word with you. I groan and turn back around to face him.

I walk over to his desk and prepare myself for whatever lecture i was about to receive. "What is going on with you? Most of the time you're hiding away skipping my class and the days you do show up you're off in your own world." My face reddens with anger. He knew exactly why i hated him and his stupid class. I was always the one he went after even if everyone in the class was doing the same thing. He'd embarrassed me multiple times in front of my peers. My throat closes up and i refuse to say a word to that asshole. He huffs with annoyance and allows me to leave his classroom.

Great. Not only did i have to deal with his bullshit, now i was late for art class. That was my favorite class and i hated being late. The only thing i didn't like about it was that i sat next to that asshole Michael Afton. I head down the hall reaching the door. I open it and peek my head in. The teacher was playing music as everyone was working on their projects we had start the last art class. Well, everyone except one group of four kids. You guessed it, Michael and his stupid friends. The teacher looks over at me and smiles. I walk into the room and apologize to her for being late. She tells me it's alright and to go have a seat and get working on my project.

I get all my supplies and head over to my table. We were working on realism and were told to pick someone to draw. Some people picked family members, other friends or partners, but most picked a celebrity. I had decided to draw [Insert person] for my assignment.

About 20 minutes go by and my project is slowly beginning to look like an actual person. That's when i noticed Michael and his friends giggling and glancing over at me. I hadn't really been paying attention to them since most of the stuff they talked about was mind numbing. Plus they'd all gone to a different table to work(aka goof of) at so i didn't feel the need to worry about what they were up to. I rolled my eyes and continued my work. Then out of the corner of my eye, i noticed four pairs of shoes walking up to me. "Oh come on!" I thought "I've already had a pretty shit day, i really don't want to deal with anything else"

594 Words
Heyo! Thanks for reading this far. it's currently 3 A.M. so sorry about any grammar mistakes lol. I hope you like is so far and i promise there is more to come as well as more chapters of the Golden Guard story :)

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