Chapter 2

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The four teens are now all standing behind me. I decide not to pay attention to them hoping the where just grabbing something of Michaels things and would leave. I was wrong

Michael abruptly brought his slightly tan hands down on my shoulders causing my whole body to tense up on impact. "Hey there (Y/N), whatcha drawing?" He asks in an almost mocking tone of voice. I desperately want to sarcastically respond with "Gee i wonder. It's not like the project everyone's supposed to be doing is written up on the board." But i decide it would be best if i didn't cause any problems. I'd honestly rather not get beat up after school.

"I'm drawing [Insert person] for the project we're doing." i respond.
Michael grabs onto the back of my chair and turns me around so i'm facing his group. "Hmmm cool." He says, clearly not interested. "I actually want to ask you some thing"

"Oh no" I think "Whatever it is he wants can't be good." I look up at him, trying my best not to show any signs of the  knot in my stomach. " What is it?" I ask him.

"Well i heard something about you and just wanted to know if it was true." He replies. "Is it true that your, ya know..... gay?"

"That's it?"

"Um yeah? It's true. I thought everyone already knew that." I respond, hoping that's the end of the conversation and that they'll all just leave me alone now. Wrong again. "You don't like, have a thing for me do you? Last week during art you kept looking at me so now i'm starting to wonder if you like me or something."

I'm even more pissed off now. How would he ever even consider that I might possibly have a thing for someone like HIM."No Michael. I don't like you. You sit across from me so obviously i'm going to have to look at you every time i look up from whatever i'm doing dumbass." I state, glaring up at the teen boy towering above me.

He looks down at me, clearly annoyed by my response. He clears his throat and says with a smirk. "No need to be so hostile, darling, it was just a question. I don't really care that you into guys, i just wanted to make sure you don't have a thing for me." He looks back at his friends and signals them to follow him back to where the were sitting before they came and started bothering me.

I turn my self back around and look down at my drawing. I'm no longer motivated to finish it. That's when i start to wonder why the teacher never came over to tell those assholes to knock it off. I realize she isn't in the room, and probably hasn't been for a while. She must've left to go get some thing. I look up at the clock and see there's still about 15 minutes of school left. Since i no longer have the energy to work on my project i put everything away and lay my head down on the table to wait for the last bell of the day to ring.

537 Words
Yooooo two chapters in one night because for some reason i am physically unable to sleep despite taking melatonin. Sorry if this chapter sucks lol

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