Chapter 14

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Quick note before you continue. Please stop putting slurs in the comments. I've had to delete a ridicules amount of comments due to this. I get those of you who are doing it mean it in a joking way and can reclaim them (at least i hope u can) but it's making me incredibly uncomfortable. They're slurs for a reason. Now that i've got that done, Enjoy the chapter <3
I stood there in fear looking over at the teens in front of us. The looked back at us, giving me an incredibly judgmental look. I glance over at Michael to see how he reacted to this. To my surprise he was smiling. "That's right, those are his friends."

"Hey guys! What's up?" Michael says, waving at his friends. "Hey man, uh what are doing?" One of the teens says, glancing over at me. "Me and Y/N here we're just about to go check out the theater and see if they have any good movies playing." 

"Cool cool... but why are you with, y'know, him."

"Oh come on guys. I know he seems pretty lame in school, but he's really not that bad."

The comment fills my stomach with a sinking feeling. I know Michael probably doesn't want them to know that we're, together? i guess? at least i think we are considering Michael straight up had his tongue down my damn throat yesterday. But still the comment does sting.

The conversation between the four of them goes on for a couple more minutes. I decided it's probably best if i don't listen since his friends probably don't have the best things to say about me. I space out until Michael finally comes back over to me.

"Hey, you ready to go to the movies." I look over at him and through on a smile, ignore the anxious feeling in my stomach. "Yeah. Let's go." It appears Michael notices something wrong. "Is everything alright?" He asks.

I look down before responding. "I mean, i guess. I'm just a bit upset about some of the things your friends said, and also a couple things you said." I notice Michael step a little closer to me. I look up at him and he has an apologetic look on his face. " Hey, i'm really sorry about that. I definitely could've worded that better."  I sigh. "It's fine. And thanks for apologizing. I don't think you've ever done that before." I let out a soft laugh saying that last part. Michael smiles and grabs my arm. "C'mon, i wanna say something else but there's way to many people here."

He leads me into the nearest bathroom, making sure to check all the stalls are empty and we're alone before walking back over to me.

"I really am sorry about what i said, and what they said, i should've told them to knock it off. The thing is, i'm not entirely sure how they'll react if i tell them how i actually feel about you and what we're really doing here."

"Wait what are we doing here exactly?"  Michael looks at me and blinks a couple times in confusion. "Um.. a date? i think? Unless that's not what you want it to be. It doesn't have to be a date or anythi-"



"It can be a date"

Michael stops rambling and smiles at me. "What a dork." I think to myself before smiling back at him.

He leans over quickly and presses his lips agains mine. I kiss him back softly before pulling away so things don't get too out of hand.

We leave the bathroom, one at a time so no one suspects anything, and head over to the theaters.

"Holy shit! They're playing the new Star Wars movie! We gotta see that one." Michael says, his whole face lighting up in excitement. "Sometimes i genuinely can't believe THIS is the guy who used to call ME a nerd."

I agree and we buy our ticket, head into the room that they're showing the movie and sit down in our seats, waiting for the movie to start.

686 Words
Hey everyone! I'm back with another chapter. We're almost at 10k view which is crazy. So thank you for that. And sorry it took so long to get this chapter out.

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