Chapter 3

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I cant stand taking the bus, so thankfully the school isn't to far from my house, i normally just walk. The only times i don't is when my dad is able to drive me or if the weather is so bad i have to take the bus.

Since it's the middle of October it's starting to get chilly outside. I had thrown a hoodie into my backpack that morning so i decided to quickly stop and put it on. I close my bag back up and continue the walk.

I arrive at my house and go in the front door. "Hey kiddo, how was school?" My dad asks, looking over towards me from the kitchen. "It was alright. Just a normal school day." I respond while putting my backpack down and taking off my shoes.

I go over to the kitchen and sit down in one of the tall chairs at the island counter. My dad walks over and places down a cup of hot chocolate and a warm brownie in front of me.

"I noticed it's getting cold out so i figured you'd probably want something to warm you up when you got back home." Dad said with a smile before sitting next to me with his own cup of hot chocolate and brownie. "Thanks dad! The walk back was pretty cold."

We sit at the counter and eat our snacks, occasionally making a joke or talking about something that had happened that day. When i finished i brought both of our dishes over to the sink before giving my dad a hug and telling him i'm gonna go play some video games for a bit before starting my homework.

I head up to my room and drape my hoodie over my desk chair. I turn on my tv and Sega SG-1000, putting in my favorite game and sit down on the floor. A couple hours go by and i finally turn of my console. I figured since i don't have to much home work i could just do it the next day during homeroom. I through on some pajamas, brush my teeth, and climb into bed, falling asleep in just a couple minutes exhausted from the previous day.
371 Words
This chapter is a bit shorter then the previous two

Michael Afton x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now