Chapter 4

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I shot up out of bed in a panic. I'd had another nightmare. I couldn't really remember when exactly it was about but it must've been bad due to the immense dread and fear that was still lingering as well as how fast my heart was beating.

I looked over at the alarm clock on my bedside table. It was currently 5:32 AM. Since i would've had to be up in a little over any hour anyway, i decided to get up and start getting ready. I move my blanket aside and go over to my closet, picking out a simple outfit of jeans, a plain t-shirt, and a [Favorite color] pullover hoodie. I brush my teeth, and style my hair. "Damn i should probably shower tonight." I think to myself, staring at my reflection.

I put some poptarts in the toaster. When they're done i head over to the living room and turn on the t.v. to see what the weathers going to be like for the day. A couple minutes later i hear my dad walk down the stairs.

"Hey kiddo. You're sure up early." He says with a smile, going into the kitchen to make some coffee. "Yeah, I had another nightmare and woke up early, so i figured it'd just be best to start getting ready." I respond
"Again? that's probably the third one this week. We should try getting you to a therapist and and see if we can figure out what's going on." I nod my head and hum in reply. I turn off the t.v. and go to get my shoes and backpack.

"Do you want me to drive you today?" Dad asks. I tell him that it's alright and i can walk today since it wasn't too cold out. I say goodbye and he tells me "Have a good day" before i go out the door and start heading to school.

A few buses and cars go past me on my way there. As well as a few of the other kids who also walked. I pull my hood up over my head so that no one stops me to try and talk to me. My friend (F/n) sees me and runs over. "Hey dude. How ya doing?" He asked. "I'm alright. Just a bit tired." I answer. We continue the walk to school, mostly in silence since neither of us really like to talk. That's probably why we're friends. We don't need to constantly be talking in order to feel comfortable around each other.

We arrive at school, parting ways to head to our homerooms. I sit down in my desk, pulling out my homework from the previous night, and begin working on it. The bells rings letting everyone know that schools officially started. The announcements play, and when they're finished, the teacher clears his throat and begins to talk.

"Good morning class. We have a student who will be transferring into our class. So i would like all of you to please be welcoming." He states. I continue my homework, not to interested in the fact we're getting a new student. He'll probably just be some random kid who i'll never talk to anyways. The classroom door swings open.

"Ah Michael, there you are. Welcome" I quickly lift my head when i hear that name. "No you've gotta be kidding me. There's no way." I think. But it was true. The kid who'd transferred to our class was in fact, Michael Afton. "Now Michael, why don't you sit..... Hmmm... Oh in the desk over there. Behind Mr. (L/N)"

"God fucking damn it."
606 Words
Wow longest chapter yet, yes ik the whole "love interest sitting behind the main character" trope is cliche but i like it.

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