Chapter 1: The start of the end

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It was shocking at first, of course it was, the news came crashing all of the sudden, he saw it coming just not so soon. The truth was that he didn't knew how to feel about it, his emotions were all over the place, what he did knew was that he needed someone to talk about it.

All the young pro hero felt was a dreading feeling as he headed to his car, he just sat there processing the news, finally when he finally realized how serious it was tears began to form.

He pulled his phone out and texted two of his closest friends, the only ones he fully trusted with such topic [are you guys busy? I need to talk to you guys] he texted them, soon he got a reply from both of them [You know I only work at night so just tell me where to meet up] one of them replied, [I just finished with my patrol so I'm also free] the other replied.

The young pro hero smiled a bit, he always felt a strange but good feeling whenever his two friends were around, but he knew this would be different, it wasn't going to be the usual meet up the three would have. [let's meet up at our hideout] he texted them before he started driving there.

Their hideout, at this point it was their second house, the three of them went there when they needed a break. That's when random memories flooded on the young pro hero's head, how his friendship with the other two was so strong, it was surprising since the other two were not that close with him during high school, they barely even saw each other since the three of them were all in different classes.

And soon, the young pro hero Chargebolt got to the hideout, the number 2 pro hero didn't thought this conversation would come so soon, but he knew that his friends MindJack and PhantomThief were the first and only ones that needed to hear the news.

By the time he got there MindJack, or Hitoshi Shinsou was already there. Hitoshi looked at Denki as he walked in.

"Neito should be coming in a few minutes" Hitoshi spoke as Denki nodded and sat down, already worrying the purple haired hero.

"it's serious if you're this're usually making some sort of joke or something" Hitoshi said.

But before Denki could answer to that, Neito Monoma walked through the door still on his hero suit "can't believe you two beat me" he said as he sat down and looked at the other two "so what's up?" He asked.

That's when Denki became nervous, not about telling them the news but about how they will react. "You guys remember how I told you about the migraines I've been getting?" He finally spoke.

The two others glanced at each other before looking back at Denki and nodding "yeah, what about it..?" Hitoshi asked in a concerned tone, his anxiety kicking in a bit getting ideas on where the conversation was heading.

"I went to the doctor to see what was causing it and w-well..." the sentence died off as Denki tried finding the proper words to say it but Neito interrupted his thoughts.

"Denki just spill it out" he spoke.

"The doctor ran some tests and said I only have a year left to live.." Denki finally said shocking he other two by the news.

"What the hell do you mean 'a year'?" Hitoshi asked in a anxious tone.

Denki frowns softly feeling a dreadful feeling form in his chest "he said that my quirk is burning out the nerves on my brain, and by the stage they're now he said that my brain will shut off completely, he said that I have about a year left, I can die sooner or later than that"

"Then just don't use your quirk" Neito replied, how much Denki wished it was that easy.

"It's not that easy...if I use my quirk it burns the nerves in my brain but if I don't use it the energy is stored and affects the nerves on my body." Denki explained.

Neito didn't knew how to reply to that and just frowned, his friend was dying "so you're telling me your quirk is not suited for your body? That's bullshit you know what happened last time that happened to someone, were you not born with the quirk or something? Plus the doctor could be lying, he could be wrong" He finally burst out.

And this time Denki couldn't help but to laugh a bit "no, it's not that Neito the reason why it's happening so soon is because of how many times I used my quirk past my limit I brought this on myself faster than it should of been" he explained and looked at his other friend who was being awfully quiet.

"Toshi..?" He asked making him look at him almost lost in thought "so what now..? We just wait until you-" Hitoshi frowned and stopped himself from finishing the sentence instead he brought up another question.

"Are you going to make the news public?" That question made Denki frown a bit.

"No, I don't want anyone's pity and I definitely don't want the media constantly asking for interviews" he replied

"Fair enough..have you told the others?" Neito asked, by others he meant Denki's ex-classmates, he knew denki still kept contact with them but to his surprise not as much as he did with the two of them.

Denki shook his head again "I want this news to stay between us, I trust you both not to tell anyone...the others will eventually end up dropping hints and stuff so I'm not going to tell them.." he mumbled sighing a bit. As much as he knew he was dying, as much as he wanted to cry about it he didn't wanted to break down in front of his two friends. The thoughts and memories flooded his mind, the graduation, the many fights he was on, the amount of people he saved, the first time he was ranked as number 2 hero, his achievements, all of that would be for nothing now that he was dying, he wasn't going to be around to save anyone again.

"Denks? Denki.." Neito said snapping his fingers in front of Denki bringing the other blond out of his thoughts, and making him realize he was close to crying.

He quickly blinked his tears away "sorry.." he mumbled while the other two simply embraced him on a hug.

Denki let a small chuckle "you could say I died in a reckless way by bringing this sooner than it should of been" he joked trying to light the mood up.

Hitoshi rolled his eyes a bit and couldn't help but to smile a bit "any plans you have before dying..?" He couldn't help but to ask.

And just as quickly as he tried bringing the mood up it went back to when the news were brought up "I..." he let a small chuckle "not really, now that I think of it I just wished I actually had someone to love, but the way I'm picturing that, I know it's not going to happen I just wanna die happy" he explained

Neito chuckled a bit "hopeless romantic" he teased making the other blond laugh "well of course I have to! I can't believe such got stuff like me is going to die being alone" he said, this time making his goth friend laugh a bit "now that was a good one"

"Hey! That was just rude" Denki replied smiling a bit.

"We'll be here for you Denks, but for now you're not going on patrols anymore and you're moving here with us, I'm not going to let you do anything stupid" Neito said.

Hitoshi laughed a bit "you sound like a married woman"

Neito shoved Hitoshi off the couch "next time I'll throw you out the window" he said only making the purple haired laugh even more.

"But he's right Denki, we'll move in here so you're not so alone" Hitoshi said making Denki smile "thanks guys" he said, the warm feeling in his chest by seeing the other two care so much only growing more.

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