Chapter 11: Finding hope

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Hitoshi and Neito both been trying to recover, they've both been trying their best to help each other. But there has been also many times where the two would argue, where they would go days without talking to each other, there has been times where one of them wouldn't come home for days.

At one point the two of them believed that their relationship was never going to be the same, that nothing could be fixed, but their love was still stronger than anything.

Regardless of how many times they argued, regardless of how many days they would go on without talking to each other, the two would always end up making amends.

The two had learned how to cope with the grief, and yes, there were days where all they could do what grieve, but the truth was that they were getting better.

Hitoshi walked over to Neito, wrapping his arms around his waist and kissing his cheek "hey Nei why don't we go on a walk?" He suggested.

Neito looked over and smiled folding the last shirt before he kissed him softly "sure" he said as he turned around and wrapped his arms around Hitoshi's neck giving him another kiss.

"Alright then, get ready" he said smiling softly giving him a quick kiss before he went to get ready. Once he was done he went over to his desk picking up a framed picture of the two blonds sitting under a tree, Denki having his head resting on Neito's shoulder. The three took so many pictures to capture the wonderful memories, there were many framed pictures all around the house, some of just one of them blonds, some with both of them blonds, and some with the three of them.

He smiled sadly as he looked at it "we miss you Denki, how I wish you were still here" he said as went to sit down on his bed, rubbing his thumb on the wooden frame "remember when you would come to my room just to have night talks? How you would joke about Neito getting jealous of you coming over and leaving him alone?" He said softly before letting a small chuckle "of how you would tell me he would make you sleep on the couch for it? How we would spend the entire night talking about some pointless topic and we would end up laughing so loud Neito would come in the room throwing pillows at us telling us he needed to get his beauty sleep" He said smiling softly at the memory.

He then kissed the picture and went to place it back where it was smiling softly as he headed back to Neito.

The two walked around the city holding hands "it's been a while we haven't taken a walk, the only time we're together outside of the house is when we're on patrol" Neito said looking over at Hitoshi "yeah it's been a while were we casually talk a walk" Hitoshi replied.

Suddenly a kid came running from the street corner bumping into them, they was trembling and taking shaky breaths, but what brought attention to Neito and Hitoshi were the kid's shoes, the red shoes.

Both Neito and Hitoshi knew what the red shoes meant, they learned that they were made for quirkless people, both of them had learned this from Izuku.

Neito kneeled down in front of the kid who looked up at the two of them with wide eyes "y-you- you're- MindJack and PhantomThief.." the kid mumbled still trying to catch their breath.

"You ok?" Neito asked helping the kid on their feet "I- Umm yeah-" they responded slowly calming down "you don't have to lie kid, we'll help you if there's anything going on" Hitoshi said kneeling next to Neito and the kid.

The kid shook his head "e-everything is ok! But thank you" he said, both Hitoshi and Neito looked at each other before Neito looked back at the kid "what's your name honey?" He asked the kid who glanced behind them before looking back at Neito "Kai" he replied.

"That's a pretty name, I like it" Neito said smiling a bit, but then a voice screamed from where Kai had came from "Kai! Get back here!" A woman screamed out making Kai tense up "m-mom is calling I have to go! It was nice seeing you!" Kai spoke as the woman approached them grabbing Kai's wrist a bit too tight "don't wonder off like that Kai you scared me!" The woman said in a much calmer tone smiling at both Neito and Hitoshi.

Hitoshi looked at the woman "is everything ok?" He asked the woman, ready to use his quirk. The woman smiled and looked at Kai "yes, everything is ok he just likes to wonder off" the woman spoke, her eyes immediately fogging as she was controlled by Hitoshi's quirk "let go of the kid and leave" Hitoshi spoke.

Automatically the woman let go of Kai and walked away "alright what was that about kid?" Hitoshi asked.

"I..." Kai frowned and looked down tearing up. Neito gently wiped Kai's tears away "hey it's ok, you don't have to worry all we want to do is to help...she's not being nice to you is she..?" He said softly.

Kai let a small sad smile "no one is...I'm different...I'm weaker...I was..trying to runaway.." he replied making the other two frown.

"'re not weaker ok? You're just as strong as anyone" Hitoshi said as Kai looked at him "I'm quirkless...there's nothing special about me...everyone wants me gone.." Kai mumbled fiddling with his sleeves.

"We want you" Neito said gently embracing Kai on a hug. Kai teared up and hugged back shaking his head "I-I'm just a burden.." he mumbled holding back a sob.

Hitoshi sighed softly "why don't we show you a special place? We can talk there" Hitoshi said picking up Kai, "s-special place..?" Kai asked wiping his tears away.

Neito looked at Hitoshi before smiling sadly knowing exactly the place Hitoshi was talking about "yeah, we'll take you to our special place and we can just talk about anything you want sweetie" Neito said making Kai smile a bit "o-ok!"

Soon Kai was taken to the garden, he looked around in awe smiling brightly "'s so beautiful" he said but his attention landed on a plaque he saw under a tree covered in flowers, he went over it and gasped as he saw what it was "Chargebolt.." he mumbled as he looked at the grave.

Hitoshi and Neito went over to the grave and sat down next to Kai looking at the engraved name on the gravestone "this is where he's resting...he really liked this place..." Hitoshi said softly.

"I know you guys loved each other" Kai said, which made Neito and Hitoshi confused "what do you mean Kai?" Neito asked.

Even though the media knew the three of them were close no one knew they were on a polyamory relationship which is why Hitoshi and Neito were so shocked to find out Kai knew about it.

"I...there's this voice at night, for some reason it likes talking about you two...the voice keeps calling MindJack Toshi and PhantomThief Nei" Kai said fiddling with his sleeves.

Hitoshi frowned and looked at Neito who looked just as confused "what else has this voice told you..?" Neito asked.

"the voice kept telling me to find you...that you guys needed help...that...that C-Chargebolt would be thankful if I helped.." Kai mumbled looking at the grave.

Neito teared up as he heard what Kai said "Denki..." he mumbled holding back as sob as he let a chuckle slamming his fist on the grave "y-you're doing this aren't y-you''re looking out for us.." Neito mumbled before he hugged Kai.

Hitoshi had a few tears on his eyes as he looked at the grave but then remembered something "why were you running away..?" Hitoshi asked.

Kai frowned "everyone hurts me.." he mumbled making Neito frown "you can stay with us" he said.

Hitoshi looked at Neito and smiled a bit "he's right, you can stay with us" he said making Kai tear up "really..?"

"Of course, we would love for you to stay with us" Neito said before Kai hugged him tightly "thank you!" Kai said smiling brightly.

Hitoshi smiled softly looking at the grave 'thank you Denki' he thought before he looked back at Neito and Kai, he couldn't help but to feel hopeful again.

He hoped things were finally getting better, that he could finally have a family, that they could be happy.

He was hopeful for a future, a future where he wouldn't have to fear losing anyone else.

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