Chapter 4: Through good and bad

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It's been a month since the three moved in together. A month of many sleepless nights, of Neito and Hitoshi having to stay with Denki comforting him through the pain rushes. But also a month of having calm days, days where the three of them just stay home doing something Denki would often suggest, days where the three of them just enjoyed each other's company.

Currently Denki was out for a check up and Hitoshi was looking around for Neito when he heard some singing.

"The feeling that I'm l-losing him forever...and without really entering his world...I'm glad whenever I can share his laughter..."

Right as Hitoshi opened the door Neito stopped singing, blinking a few times to what Hitoshi guessed was to get rid of forming tears.

"You ok Nei...?" Hitoshi asked as he went to sit next to Neito who seemed lost in thought before shrugging "I honestly don't know Toshi.." he replied.

"What's on your mind Nei.." Hitoshi asked. Neito frowned and thought about it, he knew he was risking his friendship but there was also a chance that things could go the way he wanted.

After a few minutes of silence Neito sighed "I...I wish I could of done this differently but I feel like I'm running out of time...I like you both Hitoshi, both you and Denki, I've always felt this way, ever since I first met you guys.." he said looking down at his hands which were fiddling with the edge of his sleeves.

Hitoshi stayed silent as he processed what he had just heard, he smiled softly and cupping Neito's face to make him look at him "I love the two of you as well"

Neito looked at Hitoshi before nudging him "how dare you make me make the first move!" He said smiling brightly and letting small laughs.

Hitoshi laughed softly "I thought you had higher standards than just a sleep deprived coffee addict"

Neito rolled his eyes and smiled "how should we tell Denki?" He asked.

"Since you're complaining about how you made the first move I'll tell him" he said smirking a bit as Neito gasped dramatically "excuse you I would do it again I'm not a coward!" He said crossing his arms and pouting.

Hitoshi rolled his eyes playfully and kissed Neito "I accept your apology" Neito said after kissing back.

When Hitoshi heard the front door he smiled and ruffled Neito's hair "wish us luck" he said before going to Denki. Neito smiled brightly as realization hit him, Hitoshi liked him and not only that, Hitoshi also liked Denki, he only hoped that Denki would return the feelings for both of them.

As Denki walked through the door he looked up at Hitoshi "how was the check up?" Hitoshi asked.

"Eh nothing new, the doctor said to keep trying to use my quirk in small amounts to hopefully make it stop from causing harm" Denki replied as Hitoshi nodded in acknowledgment "hopefully it helps" Hitoshi said.

"Denki can I tell you something?" Hitoshi spoke again, thinking about what he was going to say next. "Sure what's up?" Denki replied.

Hitoshi thought for a few minutes "we both love you Denki" Neito said walking from behind Hitoshi smirking as he looked over at Hitoshi "took you too long" Neito told Hitoshi who rolled his eyes but smiled.

Denki looked at the two in shock " two crushes actually like me?" He mumbled, taking a few minutes to process what he had just heard "like...the both of you?" He asked.

"Yes Denki both me and Neito love you" Hitoshi said

"you guys are not pranking me right?" Denki asked.

Neito chuckled a bit and kissed him "no, it's true, we both love you" he replied, a small spark formed on Denki's hand as he smiled brightly and hugged both of them tearing up a bit "I love you both so much" he said.

"We love you too" both Neito and Hitoshi say in unison. "Wait does this means the three of us are dating?" Denki asks.

Hitoshi smiles and nods "yeah I guess you can say I have a thing for loud blonds" he joked making Neito roll his eyes smiling "yeah we're in a relationship now" he said kissing Denki, this time getting shocked by Denki on accident.

"Sorry!" Denki said making Neito laugh a bit "don't worry it gave the kiss a bit more intensity" he said making Denki blush a bit.

"In that case" Hitoshi said before pulling Denki into a kiss, and once again Denki ended up accidentally shocking Hitoshi.

Denki blushed softly and smiled brightly as he looked at the two, tearing up realizing he was loved, he didn't knew how to feel, of course he was happy but now it also meant that he would end up hurting them if he ended up dying "you guys are the best, thank you for everything" he said hugging the two tightly.

"Now for celebration I'm taking you guys on a date because obviously I'm the most romantic out of the three" Neito said proudly.

Hitoshi chuckled softly "alright alright do us the honor" he spoke as Denki giggled softly looking at the two lovingly "I can't believe that I get to have the two of you as my boyfriends!" Denki said joyfully.

"Well you better believe it because just how I expect to be spoiled I'll spoil the two of you as much as I can" Neito replied while Hitoshi ruffled his hair "it isn't a competition Nei"

Neito rolled his eyes and kissed both of them "I know and even if it was I would still win, now go get ready!! I want to take you guys on a date!!" He said, the other two laughed softly "this is the first time I've seen you be this excited" Denki said making Hitoshi laugh "this date is going to be interesting" he replied before the three of them went to get ready for their first official date.

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