Chapter 5: Strong fears

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After the date, the three headed back home as happy as they could be, holding hands and telling how much they love each other, once they were home they just stayed in bed cuddling each other.

Neito looked over at the other two who were sleeping and smiled, kissing both their heads before he realized something.

How Denki's chest wasn't rising or falling. Neito felt his heart sink to his stomach as realization hit him, and in less than a second tears were falling down Neito's face, his hands were shaking as he touched Denki's face, feeling how cold his skin was " Denki wake up!" He mumbled before letting out small sobs.

But there was no reply, no movement, nothing. Neito's calls were just met with silence, no matter how many times he called out his name Denki gave no reaction, nothing.

When Neito accepted that he wasn't going to get Denki back he just sobbed, holding Denki's body close to his chest, but in the distance he heard a voice.




"Neito wake up!!"

Neito shot up gasping for air, his body trembling and quickly looking up seeing both of his boyfriends worried.

Neito let out a sob as he hugged Denki tightly fearing that if he let go he would disappear "hey Nei it's ok...everything is fine it was just a nightmare.." Denki spoke in a soft voice as he held Neito close kissing his head.

"W-What did we do before I-I fell asleep..?" Neito asked with a shaky and anxious tone still clinging onto Denki like their life depended on it.

"We went on a date and then we just stayed in bed.." Hitoshi replied moving Neito's hair away from his face, gently placing a soft kiss on his forehead "everything is ok Nei" he reassured him.

As much as Neito wanted to calm down he couldn't, even though it was just a nightmare he knew that eventually it would turn into reality. He didn't wanted to lose Denki, he didn't wanted to lose either of them.

It took him a long time but eventually Neito calmed down, his eyes were red from crying, and even though he had calm down he still had both Denki and Hitoshi as close as he could.

"Why don't we watch one of your videos Nei? To get your mind distracted" Denki said as he grabbed his phone and put on one of the many famous videos of the number 4 pro hero PhantomThief. Denki knew that Neito liked looking back at the videos and some times he even bragged about how great he was which was something Denki enjoyed listening to.

Neito stayed quiet having his arms wrapped around both of them, his head resting on Denki's shoulder as the video played.

The three of them just sat in silence as the video played on the background, Neito just looked at it and felt worst about himself, he knew that he couldn't save Denki, that soon or later he would end up dead and that nothing could of been done to stop it.

But then his mind fought with the intrusive thoughts, telling him that he needed to stay strong and positive for the two of them, that he needed to make the most out of the time that is left, to make every minute count.

"I love you both so much" he said before kissing the two and smiling softly. The other two smiled and kissed back "we love you too Neito" Hitoshi replied.

Neito smiled softly and looked at the video "Told you guys that I would be a great hero, just look at me" he said, a small smirk forming as he looked up at the other two.

Denki laughed and ruffled Neito's hair "yeah but I'm still number 2" he replied, this time making Hitoshi chuckle and making Neito scoff "that's the only thing you would ever be able to beat me at" he said.

"I also made you fall in love with me so there's that" Denki teased making Neito blush "well I also made you fall in love with me so you didn't win!" He argued back.

Denki laughed "fine fine you win there" he said kissing him softly. "I'm still here you know" Hitoshi said making the two blonds laugh "we didn't forget you're just jealous" Neito said before kissing him softly "yeah don't be jealous we have enough love" Denki answered before also giving Hitoshi a kiss.

Hitoshi smiled and pulled both of them close peppering both their faces with soft kisses making them blush "Aww I made you guys flustered?" He asked.

Neito nudged him still blushing "well of course you did! You're covering my face with kisses!" He replied having a bright smile on his face.

Denki just giggled and blushed, small sparks came from his body as he smiled brightly.

"Denks?" Hitoshi asked but was just answered with more small giggles. Neito smiled and grabbed his phone "this is just too adorable it has to be recorded" he said smiling.

After a few minutes Denki finally snapped out of it and looked at them smiling brightly before gasping "were you recording me??" He asked making Neito laugh a bit "you were being so precious I just had to!" He replied.

The three of them laughed and went back to cuddling. Neito tried to push all his fears away and just enjoy the moment the best he could.

Hours passed and Denki ended up falling asleep having his arms wrapped around Hitoshi "do you want to talk about what happened Nei?" Hitoshi spoke snapping Neito out of his thoughts.

"Are you talking about the nightmare..?" Neito asked and as an answer he got a nod from Hitoshi.

" was about his it happened right in front of my eyes and how it took me long to realize made me realize that...he might go at any time and that we won't be able to see it..." Neito said as he played with Denki's hair, smiling sadly as Denki stirred and snuggled closer to Hitoshi.

Hitoshi frowned softly and looked at Denki "yeah...that can be a possibility...but the possibility of things getting better is also one, he's strong Nei, he might be able to make it pass this, maybe...this is all just an obstacle trying to challenge his strength"

Neito listened and nodded a bit before kissing Hitoshi "you're right..." he said as he rested his head on Hitoshi's shoulder, and soon falling asleep.

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