Chapter 2: Your pain is our pain

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Every night it was same routine, he shot up from bed, immediately grabbing his head taking sharp breaths, a few pained noises slipping through as the pain got stronger and stronger.

Denki shakily got up and looked around for his medication, stumbling and knocking a few things over, he felt like his scull was being torn in half.

He flinched and closed his eyes tightly as the light was turned on "Denki..? What's wrong..?" Neito asked walking through the door rubbing his sleepy eyes, soon realizing what was happening by the looks of Denki's pained face expressions "hey it's ok lay down I'll bring you some water.." he whispered sitting the other blond down and leaving.

He soon returned with a glass of water and grabbed the pill bottle on the desk, frowning softly as he watched how the other blond just gripped his hair and gasped for air from how much pain his head was causing.

Neito grabbed Denki's hand giving him two pills and holding the water for him. Denki shakily placed the pills in his mouth and took the glass of water taking a few sips from it before putting it aside and laying back down closing his eyes taking sharp breaths.

Neito frowned seeing his friend in such state. He sat next to him and played with his hair "it's ok Denks I'm here if you need anything.." he whispered.

Denki only gave him a small nod, and after a few long minutes he opened his eyes and looked at him "thanks.." he mumbled tiredly.

"How are you feeling now..?" Neito asked still keeping his soft tone. "A bit better.." he mumbled sighing a bit and sitting up tearing up a bit.

"Hey hey...come on no tears.." Neito said quickly pulling the other blond into a comforting embrace. "T-This isn't going to get b-better.." Denki spoke, his voice cracking a bit as tears fell down his face.

"I know...but we'll be here to help you...we'll do whatever we can to make it better.." Neito reassured the other, deep down knowing he had no clue how to make it better, he didn't wanted his friend to be in so much pain but he didn't knew how to help or make the pain go away.

So he simply rubbed Denki's back as he cried, the electric blond being physically and mentally exhausted which made him emotional.

The two of them stayed like that for a while before they heard the front door open "Toshi finished with his patrol" Neito spoke softly as Denki nodded a bit, his gaze was empty, which it usually happened every time after his migraine rush.

A few minutes later Hitoshi walked through the door still on his hero outfit, his mask and binding cloths wrapped around his neck "everything ok?" He asked looking at the two.

"Denki had a pain rush" Neito said as Denki looked over and nodded "yeah but everything is better now" he mumbled, his voice being monotone from how emotionally exhausted he was.

Hitoshi frowned softly and sat down next to the two "do you need anything else?" He asked Denki who shook his head "no but thanks...I just feel dizzy" he mumbled.

Hitoshi moved Denki's hair out of the way and nodded "if you need anything just let us know ok?" He said softly as the blond nodded.

"Do you want to try going back to sleep?" Neito asked, Denki nodded a bit "can you guys stay though..?" He asked, now that he knew he was dying he was scared that he wouldn't wake up if he fell asleep after what happened.

The two nodded "of course we can stay" Hitoshi said, soon the three of them got into a more comfortable spot, Neito and Hitoshi holding the blond close hoping that they were helping.

And after a while Denki was asleep, resting his head on Neito. Both Hitoshi and Neito tried to carefully lay him down, the two of them stood up and made sure Denki was fully asleep and with no signs of pain.

As the two walked out the room Neito looked over at Hitoshi "what else can we do Toshi..? How can we actually help him? I hate seeing him in so much pain, and upset at the fact that there's nothing that can make it better" he said as he sat on the couch.

Hitoshi sighed a bit sitting next to the blond "I don't know Nei, all we can do is try making him as happy as he can be, I don't think theres anything else we can do other than be here as support" he answered.

"I just...can't believe he's dying Toshi..." Neito mumbled, the truth is that he cared about the other two so much, he had feelings towards the two of them but he stayed quiet about it in fear of rejection.

The purple haired hero couldn't help but to tear up a bit at the thought of Denki dying "I can't believe it either Neito...but we have to be here for him..make sure that the time he has l-left he spends it the b-best way possible.." he said, his voice cracking a bit, hoping that this was all some sort of prank, and that his friend wasn't dying, he wished they were more than just friends.

"Yeah...we'll be here for him until the end...we'll make sure he...he d-dies being happy..." Neito mumbled, hugging the other to comfort him.

The two of them were scared of losing their friend, they didn't want to accept the truth, they still couldn't process the fact that one of the best heroes was dying. It made them think about how much they had given, was it enough? Have they really put enough good in the world? How much more can they do before their time comes? One thing they did knew is that their friend and pro hero Chargebolt has done as much as he could, they knew that their friend will be remembered by everyone, they knew that when the time comes their friend would go at ease, knowing he did more than enough.

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