Chapter 12: Brighter future

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It's been a few months after Hitoshi and Neito adopted Kai, it was rather easy to prove Kai had been through abuse, sadly he had scars to prove his statements and the two were given custody of him.

And once they got custody things started to look brighter for the three, finally things were good, finally they were happy, and even though there were days where Neito and Hitoshi felt empty without Denki around, at the end of the day they knew how to look at the bright side of things.

Kai was currently sitting on the dinning table eating breakfast occasionally looking at Neito and letting small giggles.

Neito looked over and playfully crossed his arms "alright what are you planning??" He said smiling softly. Kai let another giggle "me? Oh nothing" he said smiling and going back to eating.

A few seconds Hitoshi walked in making Kai let another giggle which Neito's response was an eyebrow raise "alright then since you're not planning anything why don't you tell me what your father is planning to do" Neito said as he started to serve food for Hitoshi "I can't, dad says I'll get grounded if I say anything" Kai said giggling again.

Hitoshi looked over at Kai "shhh Kai!" He said with a small smirk before he kissed Neito's cheek "don't worry about it love" he said playfully before he went to sit down.

"Alright then since neither of you want to tell me you both get silent treatment" Neito said making Kai gasp "heyyy that's not fair!!" He replied.

Hitoshi chuckled softly "how about this, I spoil my lovely boyfriend by taking him on really nice date and maybe, only maybe I might tell you what we're hiding" Hitoshi said which his only response was a smile and a nod from Neito.

"Come on say something!!" Kai pouted, Neito chuckled softly "alright alright fine I accept your offer" Neito told Hitoshi.

The three chuckled softly and ate their breakfast before Kai went to get ready to go over to Aizawa's house so that Hitoshi and Neito could go on their date.

Once they took Kai to Aizawa's house Hitoshi started driving to a restaurant. Neito looked at his phone and looked at the date which made him fiddle with the necklace that was given to him by Denki "you're not fooling me Hitoshi, what do you have planned? You know what today is don't you" he said looking over.

Hitoshi smiled softly and nodded "I know what today is Nei how could I forget" he replied. It marked three years since the two moved together with Denki, which was the main reason that led them start dating.

For Neito and Hitoshi that day was one of the most important ones in their lives, it meant everything to them.

"So what do you have planned?" Neito asked again. Hitoshi chuckled softly "you'll see Nei" he said as he got to a restaurant making Neito smile sadly "Hitoshi you just want to make me emotional don't you!" He joked as he remembered the time Denki impressed them by bringing them to the most luxurious restaurant in the country.

The memory of Denki joking how he beat Neito at spoiling them came to his head making him smile "not as impressive as the time Denki brought us here Toshi" he teased making Hitoshi roll his eyes "let's just go inside" he said smiling softly.

The two ate and joked around for a while, occasionally talking about a memory they shared of Denki. One thing the two did each time they talked about Denki was fiddling with the necklaces. Neither of them ever took it off, it was one of the most cherished gifts they had. They also had the necklace Denki wore, that one was placed around a framed picture of Denki that was in the living room.

Once they were one eating Hitoshi took Neito to the garden, sitting down by Denki's grave. Neito sat down next to him and smiled sadly "Hey Denki, we miss you so much" Neito said softly as he rested his head on Hitoshi's shoulder.

Hitoshi kissed Neito's head before he looked at the gravestone "we love you so much, thank you for being a part of our life...we hope to see you again some day" he said before holding Neito's hand.

The two of them stayed there for a while before the went to sit down by the lake. Hitoshi held Neito in his arms as he asked "did you ever imagined your life being like this?"

Neito leaned on Hitoshi "no, never imagined it being this way but I'm glad that it's like this I wouldn't change anything about it" he replied smiling softly.

Hitoshi nodded "same, I honestly found you both annoying when I first met you guys" he joked letting a small laugh as Neito nudged him "oh hush!" He said chuckling a bit.

Hitoshi smiled before he stood up for a second, pulling out a small box and kneeling down.

Neito let out a small gasp as the box was opened revealing a ring "and just like you said, I wouldn't change a single thing in my life, I want it to be this way, I'm glad to still have you with me, I'm glad we have Kai, I'm glad that we have our small family, and even though Denki isn't here with us anymore I'm glad that I was able to have wonderful memories with the two of you, you both changed my life for the better. I want you to be stuck by my side until the end, so Neito Monoma...would you marry me?" Hitoshi spoke looking at Neito with a shy smile.

By the end of Hitoshi's speech Neito had tears forming in his eyes and the brightest smile on his face as he nodded hugging Hitoshi tightly "y-yes! Of course I want to marry you!" He said, giving Hitoshi a kiss.

And just like that all of their friends and family were gathered for their wedding weeks later. Hitoshi stood at the altar anxiously waiting for Neito, he was wearing a black tuxedo with a light purple undershirt, on the pocket in his suit he had a pale yellow flower.

Neito was fixing his suit and fixing his last minute touches, the suit was white and he wore a light blue undershirt, he had a small pale yellow flower clip keeping his bangs away from his face.

Kai giggled softly "I've never seen you so nervous before" he said making Neito look at him and let a small chuckle "yeah I know.." he replied.

Kai frowned softly "'re thinking of him aren't you..?" He asked, Neito frowned and blinked away a few tears from his eyes "I just wish he was here...this wasn't supposed to be just Hitoshi and me...he needed to be part of it..." he mumbled looking down at the necklace.

Kai frowned and went to hug him "it's ok Pa, he's watching from heaven and he's happy to see you two finally get married" he said as Neito took a deep breath and nodded "you're right...let's get going before your dad thinks I'm having second thoughts" he said smiling as he got the bouquet of soft tones of purple, light blue, and yellow flowers as well as a few white ones.

Neito went over to Mic who smiled brightly "ready?" He asked. "Yeah I am" Neito replied smiling. Mic nodded and smiled as he walked Neito down the aisle.

Once Neito was standing in front of Hitoshi the two smiled brightly and held hands. The ceremony went on and both of them said their bows slipping the ring on their fingers and smiling brightly with tears in their eyes as they looked at the small lightning bolt engraved on their ring.

The two kissed officially becoming husbands.

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