Chapter 13: Tragedy strikes again

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Tw: mentions of suicide attempt and torture

Years had passed. Neito and Hitoshi were currently celebrating Kai's acceptance into UA "were so proud of you Kai!" Neito said hugging him making Kai chuckle "Daddd! This is only a small achievement! We can celebrate when I graduate" he replied.

"You got into UA without any quirk AND you got into class A so good luck with your grandfather" Hitoshi said surprising Kai "I thought he was retiring last year??" He said in shock.

Hitoshi laughed "yeah once he found out you were applying at UA he changed his mind, so good luck he's going to be harsher with you because you're family believe me when he adopted me and was still training me to be a hero there were days that after training as soon as I hit the bed I would pass out from exhaustion"

Kai groaned "ughhh he scares me when he's angry" he said as Neito patted his back "it'll be ok son I'm sure he won't be so harsh on you" He reassured Kai "hopefully" Kai replied.

"And I'm sorry to ruin our family night specially on this special celebration but I have patrol duty tonight" Neito said as he stood up picking up the empty plates.

"Do you really have to go today? Kai got into UA, a perfect score without using any type of quirk" Hitoshi said making Kai smile softly at the thought of becoming the first hero without the need of any quirk at all.

Neito sighed "I know and believe me I don't want to but duty calls, I promise that I'll make it up tomorrow, plus my celebrations are always better" Neito said kissing Kai's head and giving Hitoshi a soft kiss before he headed to wash the dishes.

Once he was done with that he went to get ready for his patrol smiling softly as he looked at his wedding ring mainly focusing on the engraved lighting bolt in it "you're seeing this Denki? Our son got into UA, he's going to be a great hero, he always keeps telling me how he wants to follow or steps but I worry about him, I always do." He mumbled fiddling with his necklace a bit as he headed to the framed picture of Denki.

He sat down in bed and looked at the picture "it's been so long Denki...I still miss you just as much as the day you left...I love you so know...each time I see Kai I can feel your presence and I remember the day we found saved him...and you helped us by bringing him to us" he said smiling softly before he went to put the frame back where it was and headed to Hitoshi and Kai.

"Well my darlings I'll see you later tonight and Kai if I come home and you're still awake you know what will happen I can't have you slowly turn into an insomniac like your father" he joked making Kai laugh "you have no idea the fun you miss out by sleeping" Kai replied.

Neito chuckled and ruffled Kai's "I'll see you later love you son" he said before he went to kiss Hitoshi "don't do anything dumb while I'm gone I'll see you later love" he said before he left.

Neito's patrol went by the same as always, that was until he saw a group of guys attacking a woman.

Neito rushed to help and he tried to copy a quirk, to his luck they were all a blank. He fought the men and dodged most of their hits "get out of here!" He told the woman who shakily nodded and ran away.

Right after he saw the woman run away he felt a sharp pain on his head and suddenly everything went black.

When he woke up he was in a dark room, he felt sharp pain on his head and realized he was bleeding from his forehead. He looked around wincing a bit and pulled on the restrains frowning softly when he realized he was handcuffed rather than tied up, making it harder to break free.

"Seems like PhantomThief finally decided to wake up" a voice spoke making Neito look over with an angered look on his face.

"For a hero you're really stupid to go out patrolling by yourself with such useless quirk" the man spoke.

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