Chapter 16: Together forever

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He's been alone for years now, he's been holding on for so long, but how much longer could he hold on for? Hitoshi was holding on just like his father told him to, but he was past his breaking point.

Kai had left, he had started his own life and had his own family. But that wasn't what broke Hitoshi, what broke him was the way things ended, and he blamed himself for it.

"Dad I know you still haven't accepted their deaths but I can't stay here forever I have to start my own life! And don't you dare use your quirk on me again to make me stay!" Kai screamed out in anger.

"Kai this is for your own good!" Hitoshi spoke making Kai groan "nothing is going to happen! I'll be fine!" He screamed out. "Kai please understa-" Hitoshi tried to convince him but was soon cut off.

"I'm not going to die! You're just paranoid out of your mind! You have to understand that I need to live my own life! This conversation is over I'm leaving." Kai said before walking out the door.

The two have barely talked after that happened, it pained Hitoshi so much but he kept trying to get better even though he well knew that was never going to happen.

He let a small sigh looking at the ring on his finger. He hated how silent the house was, he hated how alone he had ended up, the only person that still kept checking up on him was his younger sister. Eri knew how bad Hitoshi had gotten, she knew that Hitoshi was barely hanging on but she was proud of him for not giving up.

Hitoshi rubbed his eyes and stood up going over to his room and grabbing the framed picture he had stared at millions of times over the years.

He blankly started at the picture, an overwhelming feeling of having so many emotions yet feeling so empty filled his heart. "When did I get so old..?" He mumbled looking at his younger self with the blonds, only feeling more empty at the realization of how many years it's been since the two had died.

"Why'd you get so sick..?" He mumbled, his gaze going from his younger self to Denki, the empty feeling on his chest slowly turning into sorrow, and soon tears started to form on his eyes.

"And how could you die..?" He mumbled as his eyes moved away from Denki to Neito. Sadness was soon replaced with anger, not at the fact that Neito died but at the fact that he was taken away from him, at the fact that he was murdered.

He laid down and held the picture up to his chest as he silently cried "I won't ever say goodbye guys...I won't ever accept that you both been out of my life for so many years...I won't accept it no matter how many years pass..."

He closed his eyes as he hugged the picture letting small sobs wishing he was holding the blonds, wishing they were still with him, and hating life for taking them away from him.

He stayed in bed crying and holding the picture close to his chest as the emotions he's been piling up over the years finally crumbled down, all the years of holding back those emotions, of shutting them down finally catching up to him and now making him unable to hold back the pain.

He gripped on the edge of the framed picture as he sobbed his broken heart out "why...w-why...I should of been me...y-you guys had so much to live for..." he mumbled through sobs.

'It's your fault, they left you because you, because you let them die, you weren't enough for them' the voice in his head spoke as Hitoshi just kept crying shaking his head "I c-couldn't do anything...I would of done anything if it meant they would's not because of me that they're gone.." he mumbled as he looked at the picture "right guys.." he mumbled before he kissed the picture and hugged it again.

But little did he know was that the two blonds were sitting right next to him "you right had nothing to do with it.." Denki spoke before looking over at Neito "I think it's time..." he said softly.

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