Chapter 8: When sunlight is gone

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It's been a year an a half since Hitoshi, Neito, and Denki got together, and half year since Denki had his last pain rush, things were finally getting better.

After Denki was on the hospital for the seizure he had both him and Hitoshi got scars from the lightning. Hitoshi had scars all over his arms and they almost reached his shoulders, Denki had scars all over his back, chest, and arms but neither him or Hitoshi seemed bothered by the scars.

The three of them couldn't be happier, Denki's quirk didn't seemed to affect him anymore, the future finally looked promising.

Neito was out shopping while Denki and Hitoshi were cuddling in the couch. Denki had his arms wrapped around Hitoshi's neck as he sat on his lap "I love you" Denki said before kissing Hitoshi.

"I love you too" Hitoshi replied after returning the kiss. That day Denki woke up with a strange feeling, he didn't knew what it was but the longer he felt it the more nervous he felt but tried his best to ignore the feeling.

He smiled and kissed Hitoshi's cheek before they heard the front door open, the two of them smiled as Neito walked in with a few bags and went to put the stuff where it belonged, he then headed to his room for a few minutes before coming back and kissed both of them "hey darlings" he said smiling softly.

Hitoshi smiled and wrapped an arm around him "hey" he replied before Denki kissed Neito "hey babe" he said smiling softly as he snuggled close to the two.

Denki thought for a second before he smiled softly "why don't we go on a date today?" He suggested making the other two smile "that sounds good what are your plans?" Hitoshi asked.

Denki took a few seconds to think before smiling "why don't we go have a picnic at the waterfall garden?" He suggested, he knew the other two loved going to their special place, it was calming and they shared so many beautiful memories there.

Neito seemed to light up even more at the thought of it "that's a wonderful idea! The three of us can also cook together!" He said joyfully.

Denki smiled and nodded "it's a date then! We should get started on the food!" He said getting up from his seat and going to the kitchen, both Neito and Hitoshi soon following.

The next few hours were spent cooking, the three of them usually ended up making a mess, well, mainly Hitoshi and Denki. The entire time they cooked the strange feeling just kept growing and Denki didn't knew what it even was, he thought it was probably nothing and pushed it away after a few minutes of thinking about it.

Once they were done the got everything they needed and headed to their waterfall garden.

Denki smiled brightly as he set a checkered blanket down on the ground and set the basket down before he headed over to his boyfriends.

The other two smiled and kissed him before Neito went to set the plates of food, the other two soon sitting down next to him.

They spent their evening eating, making jokes, talking about future plans which to that Neito couldn't help but to let out a small smirk.

"What's the smirk for?" Hitoshi asked raising an eyebrow which to Neito simply replied with a shrug. "Come on tell usss!!" Denki said excitedly.

"I can't, it's a surprise for tomorrow" Neito replied, Denki couldn't help but to pout at that "not fair!"

Neito chuckled and ruffled Denki's hair "it's totally fair" he said before he ate one of the last cookies left.

Denki pouted before the strange feeling came back "what if something happens and you can't tell us?" He asked

"You're not going to convince me to tell you today, it's a surprise and it's for tomorrow" he said before kissing him softly.

The feeling only grew, Denki felt desperate, almost confident enough to know something was going to happen.

He tried ignoring the feeling and smiled as kissed both of them before he went to sit down by the lake, the other two soon following. Denki laid down resisting his head on Hitoshi's lap as he looked up at the two smiling softly "have I ever told you guys how handsome you are?" He said softly.

He remembered the first time he met the two, how he immediately fell for Hitoshi and how he got to learn Neito's soft side, the way he fell for him over time. And how can he forget the first time he got to see them smile, he always knew that he belonged with those two.

His thoughts were interrupted as the other two blushed a bit, Neito nodding at Denki's question "yeah you have, whenever you want to flatter us" Neito said playing with Denki's hand and kissing his forehead.

Denki chuckled softly "you two have made me the happiest" he said looking at the two with a love filled look on his face. He reached to kiss both of them, this time it was just like their first kiss, accidentally shocking the other two but only making the kiss more intense.

The other two blushed after they returned the kiss, Denki simply smiled innocently and turned his head to look at the sunset feeling relaxed.

Memories started forming.

"When are we going to get married Hitoshi!?" Neito asked making Denki laugh a bit at Hitoshi's reaction "why are you asking me? There's three of us in the relationship you know I don't have to be the one to propose!" Hitoshi argued back.

"There we go now you look like a real princess!" Denki said putting a tiara on Eri who was smiling brightly "I didn't knew you were so good with kids" Neito said smiling softly "yeah shocker right? I'm surprised they haven't burned the house down" Hitoshi replied smirking a bit "hey!! Out of all the three of us I would be the best dad!" Denki said making Neito roll his eyes "now that's a lie we all know it would be me" he replied. "And it would definitely not be me" Hitoshi said which in response he got laughter from the other two which made him smile.

Denki smiled at the memories, he was excited for the future, to have a family with Hitoshi and Neito, to make more wonderful memories.

He looked up at the two before he looked back at the sunset, letting all the beautiful memories rush in his mind.

And right as the last ray of sun was visible he shut his eyes and relaxed, his body felt heavy, small sparks came from his hands accidentally giving the other two small shocks since they were holding his hands.

But suddenly Denki's body went limp as he took one last breath, the sparks finally disappearing completely.

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