Chapter 2

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This is what Naoto and I ended up agreeing on: if I ever overheard anything about Bonten, I would tell him about it, and if I had the occasion to get close to one of the gang members, I would take it. But secretly, I was hoping I'd never have to.

That Friday night had started off really well for me. No argument had broken out between the dancers yet, and my new pair of high heels felt like heaven compared to the shoes I wore before. But the stroke of good luck I was experiencing came to an abrupt end a few minutes before the first performance of the night started.

A group of dancers was gathering behind the curtains that separated the side of the stage from the part of the club reserved to the staff. The girls all took turn peering through a small opening between the two curtains.

"What's going on?" I asked Suki, another dancer, as I stopped next to her.

"Rindou Haitani and Sanzu came tonight!" She answered with an excited squeal.

Those names rang a bell for multiple reasons. The first one being that they were two of the most famous gangsters in the capital. The second reason being that Rindou's name was on the list of people Naoto wanted me to get closer to. 

Seeing that the spot in front of the opening in the curtains was now vacant, I went to peer through it. 

The two gang members were easy to spot. The dangerous aura they exuded was almost palpable, even from a distance. They were sitting by the stage, both leaning back into their seats with their legs spread apart like they owned the club.

Sanzu had pink hair and cyan blue eyes, but his most distinctive feature was definitely the scars on both corners of his mouth. By the sly glint in his eyes, I could tell he was the type of man I wouldn't have gotten close to for all the money in the world. A lot of other girls would have though, and I didn't blame them; love stories with men like Sanzu were tempting. They looked like fantasies, tasted like dinners in five-stars restaurants and drugs, and they felt like driving at 200 mph. 

But those stories never had happy endings. Never.

Rindou's hair was styled in a shaggy purple mullet. A disinterested look stuck to his features as he lazily swirled the whiskey in his glass.

I had always loathed the ability I had to know what kind of girl each man I met wanted to flirt with. I'm sure a lot of people would have considered it manipulative and cunning. But in my line of work, this was actually considered a gift. At first glance, I could tell what kind of experience any customer was seeking out by coming to our club.

Sadly, a lot of our customers were either dating someone or married. What they were looking for was someone who simply wasn't the person they were in a committed relationship with.

Then, there were the men who came here with a special goal in mind: have fun, drink,  find someone to keep them company, find a girl willing to have sex with them,...

The last type of clients surprised me when I first started working here. They were attractive and very rich. They probably had no trouble getting the girls they wanted. But I had later found out that that was precisely the reason why they liked to come to places like this. What they were looking for was a challenge, a girl who would oppose them enough resistance to pique their interest. Those customers were hard to keep because they usually got bored really fast.

Rindou didn't strike me as the type of man to enjoy being in a committed relationship nor as the type of man to go out simply for the sake of having fun or seek out company, so I assumed he was part of the third category of customers.

My suspicions about him were confirmed all throughout the night. Each time I went back behind the curtains to peer through the small opening, things were falling into his lap. I mean, literally. Girls were literally falling into his lap on purpose. Waitresses, dancers, other customers,... But there wasn't even the faintest beginning of a smile on his face. He looked bored at the tedium. So bored that I wondered why he hadn't left yet.

When the time of my performance finally came, I took a deep breath as the DJ introduced me. "Give it up for our club's eye candy, our club's newest dancer, Angel!"

The screams the announcement of my name elicited from the crowd were getting more and more enthusiastic each time I performed. 

When I stepped on stage, the lights blinded me for a second, but I didn't mind. On the opposite. Starting to dance without being able to see each individual customer made me slightly less nervous.

"Let me sit this ass on you, Show you how I feel"

I started dancing to the slow and sensual rhythm of Rocket by Beyonce, taking my time to run my hands over my body.

"Let me take this off, While you watch me? Yes, mass appeal, Don't take your eyes off it"

I started my routine on the pole. Doing the splits, climbing, flipping upside down, spinning around,... I could do it all.

"Watch it, babe, If you like you can touch it, baby, You know you wanna touch it, baby"

Did Rindou still look as uninterested as he did before? I couldn't risk sneaking a glance in his direction to find out or else he would be onto me. But that didn't mean I couldn't get closer to him.

"Ooh... Grab ahold, Don't let go, Let me know, That you ready"

Waking the short steps to the end of the horseshoe shaped stage, I dropped to my knees and beckoned Sanzu with my index finger. When he was within reach, I grabbed his tie and pulled him closer to me. That action was rewarded by a few cheers from the crowd along with a few grunts from the men who wished I had picked them instead of the pink-haired man whose mouth was now inches away from mine.

"I just wanna show you now, Slow it down, Go around..., You rock hard, I rock steady"

I leaned forward to whisper in Sanzu's ear, slightly arching my back as I did so. 

I don't even remember what I told him or what he replied. All that mattered was the way I could feel Rindou's eyes boring into my side profile.

"Hold me 'til I scream for air to breathe, And wash me over until my well runs dry, Send all your sins all over me, baby, me, baby, me"

The urge to steal a quick glance at Rindou was too strong to resist. With my lips still an inch away from Sanzu's ear, my gaze slowly slid to Rindou.

"You ain't right for doing it to me like that daddy, even though I've been a bad, bad girl...Tell me, what you're gon' do about that?"

Our eyes met for the first time to those lyrics. The second I allowed myself to hold his gaze was enough for me to notice his expression had changed. He had perched forward in his seat a little bit as if he wanted- needed- to get a better look at me.

Don't you know that I give you your loving if you need it? I give you my word, you can believe it...

The end of the song was quickly approaching, so I tore my eyes away from Rindou and let go of Sanzu's tie before continuing my routine like I usually would.

All I hoped was that I had successfully piqued the gangster's interest.

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