Chapter 21

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Tonight, I've decided to swap places with Rindou: I'll sleep on the couch and leave him the bed since he let me sleep in it for two nights now. Gathering a blanket and two pillows, I head to the living room and try to make the couch as comfortable as possible. That's when Rindou comes home. 

He opens the door as I'm standing near the couch, and his eyes shift from the arranged blanket and pillows to me as he closes the door behind him.

"What are you doing?"

"I thought I'd take the couch tonight since you left me the bed for two nights."

"I don't mind sleeping on the couch."

I offer a slight shrug and grab one pillow to fluff it. "I don't mind either."

"Mia, don't," he starts, taking a few brisk steps toward me, and I halt my movements to look at him. "It's cold and uncomfortable. Your back will hurt and..." He trails off and stops himself once he realizes he's just acted like he cares.

I'm just as surprised as he is. I stand unmoving like an idiot, one pillow still in my hands as my eyes stayed riveted to him.

Pausing, he runs a hand over his mouth and lets out a sigh. "We could share the bed. I mean, it's large enough for us not to touch."

"I don't think your girlfriend would like that idea," I respond, and he closes his eyes briefly, sighing once more.

For a moment, I just wait, hoping he'll correct me and tell me he doesn't actually have a girlfriend, but he doesn't.

"Izana told you," he guesses.

"Yeah," I confirm quietly.

Inhaling, he opens his eyes and looks off to the side. "Well, she doesn't have to know."Without another word, he walks to the couch and gathers the pillows and blanket. My eyes follow him as he silently walks away with them, heading to the bedroom. Our bedroom now, I guess.


In the middle of the night, I'm abruptly woken up by Rindou. I jolt upright, a thin sheen of sweat glistening on my forehead. Rindou also sits up, concern etched on his face.

"It's okay, Mia, it's okay," he repeats as I struggle to catch my breath.

I've just had a nightmare about my brother's death. It's been months since I last had one, but I guess sleeping next to a member of Bonten, the organization responsible for his death, seems to have resurrected these haunting dreams.

"It's alright," Rindou reassures me once more, and I allow myself to sink back down onto the bed, my racing heartbeat slowly returning to its normal rhythm.

Rindou's gaze remains fixed on me as he lies back down beside me.

"I'm sorry," I pant softly, apologizing for waking him up.

Silence fills the room as I regain my composure, my gaze fixed on the ceiling. Beside me, Rindou lies on his back, his eyes now also focused on the ceiling above.

After a moment, he asks quietly, "Who's Diego?"

I turn my head to the side, directing my gaze towards him. My eyes trace the contours of his profile before travelling to his tattooed right arm, which rests just a few centimeters away from my left arm. His tattoos are exactly as I remember them.

Rindou turns his head toward me, and I raise my gaze to meet his eyes in the darkness of the room.

"You kept calling his name in your sleep," he explains, and though it's dark, I can see a glint of jealousy shimmering in his eyes.

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