Chapter 6

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Everything felt uncomfortable. From the bed I was laying in to the clothes I was wearing. Rindou had rushed me out of the hotel suite so fast this afternoon that I hadn't even had time to take my coat. I was still wearing the same crop top and back miniskirt. Plus, sleeping in the bed I had caught Ran and two women having a threesome in was definitely not the most ideal way to start the night.

I knew I wouldn't be able to fall asleep, so I walked out of the bedroom and down the hallway to go into the living room. Rindou was there. He was leaning on the moonlit wall while smoking a cigarette by an opened window. He had changed clothes and was now wearing a pair of gray sweatpants and an oversized white t-shirt. 

I halted as his gaze settled on me.

His eyes not leaving mine, he slowly exhaled a cloud of cigarette smoke, and then asked: 'Can't sleep ?'

I gave my head a small shake. 'No.'

'Mikey... best boss... kill fucking bastards...' The grabble of words and insults came out of the mouth of a man who was sprawled on one of the sofas. I hadn't noticed him upon entering the room because he was hidden in the darkness. Pink hair, scarred mouth, ear piercings... I quickly recognized Sanzu from the club. His eyes were closed, his lips parted. One of his arms was dangling from the edge of the couch, his hand still gripping the neck of a bottle of alcohol. He was clearly high or drunk. Probably both.

'What's wrong with him?' I asked Rindou, looking back at him.

He glanced at Sanzu as he pulled the cigarette out of his mouth in between his index and middle finger. The cigarette smoke escaped his lips on a soft chuckle.  'Way too many things.'

I hummed in acknowledgment before entering the kitchen. I got around the marble kitchen island and opened a cabinet to take a glass. When my whole back tingled with anticipation, I had a feeling Rindou was approaching. My intuition was right because when I turned around after having filled my glass from the faucet, he was standing two meters away, only separated from me by the marble kitchen island. For a moment, we both simply stared at each other, the air growing thicker with tension each second of silence that passed.

He spoke first. 'Why did you save me?'

How could I have given him an answer when I didn't even have one?

'I don't know.' I replied. 'Maybe I shouldn't have.' I added, even though the words tasted foul.

Another few endless seconds of silence passed. I thought that maybe I'd finally done it. I'd crossed a line with what I said and he would finally reveal himself as the monster every newspapers described him and his friends as. But this man was clearly anything but predictable.

He gave his head a small shake, his lips curling up with a hint of amusement. 'This is exactly what I like about you.' Slowly, without taking his gaze off mine, he got around the kitchen island and took the short steps to me. 'You're honest. You're not scared to tell me you hate me, or hate Bonten. You're not even scared to tell me you don't know if you should have saved me.'

I took one step back each time he took a step towards me. He was following me like a shadow, his lavender eyes sparkling at the game we were playing. My heart leapt as my back hit the kitchen counter behind me. I was trapped with nowhere to hide from his piercing gaze glued to me.

Rindou stopped in front of me. He lifted my chin with his hand, tipping my head to his. I felt as if I had forgotten how to breathe as his thumb skimmed the edge of my bottom lip.

'And you know why I like it so much, Mia?' He asked, sliding the tip of his thumb a little further into my mouth and forcing my lips apart. 'That means that when you finally say something nice about me, you'll actually mean it.'

I believed if I told myself that it was the hate I felt for him that was making my heart beat so fast in his presence, it would eventually feel that way. But the horrible truth was that each time his eyes met mine, my stomach fluttered. It felt so good, so exciting. But I didn't – couldn't – show him I was fazed by him. So I raised my chin a little higher, holding his gaze. 'And what makes you think I'll ever have something nice to say about you?'

He slowly lowered his head toward mine, bridging the inches he towered over me one by one. He was so close to me. Too close. It would have been so easy to just stand on my tippy toes to brush my lips against his.

'I'll make sure you got something nice to say about me.' He said.

I shook my head, but his grip on my chin tightened and stopped me.

'I'll make sure you do.' He repeated.

With his promise hanging in the air, he finally took a step back, letting go of my chin. My gaze was stuck to his back as he walked away. But right before disappearing into the hallway, he paused and turned back around. In one swift motion, he pulled his T-shirt over his head. He ran one hand through his now tousled hair as he tossed the T-shirt to me.

'Use it as a pyjama.' Was all he said.

Before he was out of sight, I caught a glimpse of his tattoo that went from the left side of his chest to his forearm. I was right, it was the exact same as Ran's. But while the sight of Ran's tattoo had elicited nothing from me but indifference, seeing the tattoo on Rindou's chest had my pulse racing.

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