Chapter 7

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When I got out of my room the next morning, the smell of omurice reached my nose, making my mouth water. Sanzu was still sleeping on the sofa in the living room. Ran and Rindou were sitting at the kitchen island, immersed in conversation while they ate breakfast. Their chatter died as I entered, and when their gazes landed on me, I suddenly wished the ground would open and swallow me whole. I felt naked even though I wasn't really, but my body was only covered by Rindou's T-shirt which barely covered my ass.

Ran greeted me first with a charming smirk. 'It's nice to see that pretty face of yours so early in the morning.'

'It's nice to see you with clothes on.' I replied.

The older Haitani scratched his jaw, amused.

My gaze then slid to Rindou. He was glaring at his brother whose eyes were now running up and down my body. Ran finally noticed when he sneaked a sideways glance at Rindou. He chuckled, raising his hands in surrender and looking down at his plate in front of him.

That's when Rindou's eyes finally drifted to mine. One nod of his head. That's the only greeting I got from him. Yet, it was still enough for my heartbeat to stutter.

I got around the kitchen island to tend to the pan on the stove. I watched the omurice cook, all the while painfully aware of not one, but two pairs of eyes practically boring holes into my back.

There was the scraping a chair's feet against the floor, then a few seconds later, I felt a hard chest press against my back. Two arms reached around either side of me to tend to the pan for me. I knew Rindou was the one standing behind me. I just knew it. It wasn't his familiar smell that gave him away but the way my body reacted to his. I couldn't stop the rush of anticipation from zinging beneath my skin.

He rested his chin on top of my head as he flipped the omurice in the pan. 'Eat your breakfast, then we'll drop by your apartment to get your stuff.'

Letting go of the panhandle, his left hand disappeared from my line of sight. I felt it grab the hem of my T-shirt a second later. His rough knuckles grazed the side of my thigh as he tugged down on the T-shirt. 'Can't have you walking around here like this.'


It took a lot of convincing to get Rindou to accept letting me go to work tonight. His condition? He'd drop me off at the club, stay for my performance, and we'd leave right after. I was still convinced that the person who tried to shoot us was after Rindou and not me. Yet Rindou insisted on keeping an eye out for him anyway. He didn't want to admit that he was truly the only thing that bode trouble and danger in my life.

He first drove me to my apartment so I could pack an outfit for work. I lived in a small apartment building right next to a coffee shop. Working as an exotic dancer meant I led a nocturnal life. When I came back from a night of work, it was usually dawn. People came out of their houses and apartments. Men and women wearing suits and pencil skirts in a rush to get to work, exhausted students who needed caffeine before their morning classes, and young couples who still held hands after a night of lovemaking,... Every time, I couldn't help but wonder what my life would have been like if I hadn't chosen the lifestyle I had.

After walking up the stairs to the second floor, Rindou and I stopped in front of my apartment door and I started rummaging my purse in search of my keys.

'A roommate I should know about before we go in? Or a boyfriend, maybe?' Rindou asked.

My hand stilled its motion in my purse. I looked up at Rindou, struggling to suppress the beginning of my smirk. 'Is that seriously the only way you found to ask me if I'm in a relationship?'

He clicked his tongue, flicking his gaze to the side before bringing it back to me. 'Just answer the question, Mia.'

Now it's back to "Mia" again... He only used my real name when we were alone as if knowing it was a privilege he wanted to be the only one to have.

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