Chapter 10

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Rindou apparently had something to take care of today.

'I got someone to deal with.' Was all he said before he dropped me off at the club so I could practice on the pole like I usually did.

It was only 2 in the afternoon when I decided to take a break. I stepped out of the club and into the almost empty street. Roppongi was a district that came alive at night. For now, my only companions were the hot sun burning the concrete and... Mitsuya.

He was leaning his back against a parked car, but when he noticed me, he pushed off it and took a step towards me. I wanted to walk back into the club without even acknowledging his presence but... I couldn't. That's the kind of power Mitsuya had had over me since the first day he'd laid his eyes on me in high school. There was a time where I even thought we'd spend the rest of our lives together. He was just that perfect. But just as I always did with everything else in my life, I ruined our relationship. I pushed him away from me after my brother's death. He had dreams, aspirations. Someone as good as him didn't deserve to be weighed down by someone like me.

'What do you want ?' I asked him, crossing my arms over my chest.

He slipped his hands in his pocket and took another step towards me. 'I came here to apologize.'

'Then do it.' I said harhsly.

'I'm sorry, Mia. I really am.'

He meant it. I knew he did. But I was also painfully aware of the risk each second I spent with him represented. He'd brought so much good in my life in the past, now the only thing he could ever bring to my life was nostalgia. And the only I could ever bring to his was mysery. That much hadn't changed.

I forced myself to turn back to the club but halted when he called my name.

'Mia, wait.'

Fuck. How could hearing my name on his lips still have the same effect on me after all these years?

I turned back around to face him. 'What?'

'Do you want togo grab a bite with me?' He asked.

I tilted my head, my breath exhaling on a laugh I couldn't suppress. 'Are you really trynna make it up to me with food?'

His own lips curved up. 'Yeah.'

With my brother, Mitsuya was the only person I had ever let my guard down with. The only person I had ever allowed myself be vulnerable in front of. He knew me well. Too well. Which meant he also knew my weaknesses and that food was one of them.

'Fine.' I sighed, then pointed a finger at him. 'But you're paying.'


Mitsuya and I were sitting across from each other in a one of those old leather booths in a small Italian restaurant. There weren't any other customers other than the two of us. I was currently devouring a pizza he'd just bought for me. This was bringing back so many good memories. When we were dating, he used to come pick me up on his motorbike before school, and each morning, he brought me something he'd baked for me the night before.

In the middle of chewing, I looked up at Mitsuya. He was watching me, resting his chin in his palm with a small satisfied smile on his lips. I felt my cheeks heat up under his gaze and quickly looked back down at my plate.

The silence was too comfortable with him. Why did this feel so simple? I couldn't help but compare the way I felt around him with the way I felt around Rindou. With the latter, there was always this tension hanging in the air, like our urges to kill each other and rip each other's clothes off were constantly battling it out.

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