Chapter 12

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The next day, I did everything I could to avoid Rindou. I still couldn't believe him and I had had sex in his car. Great sex. Amazing, even. Probably the best sex of my life if I'm being honest. But it could never happen again. Not when he was the man I was supposed to spy on for Naoto. And the man I w̶a̶s̶ s̶u̶p̶p̶o̶s̶e̶d̶ t̶o̶ h̶a̶t̶e̶ I hated.

I was so good at avoiding Rindou that I managed to avoid crossing path with him until he had to leave to take care of something the next afternoon. As soon as he had left, I grabbed the phone he had given me, an outfit for tonight's shift and my sports bag, then I sneaked out of the building and grabbed a taxi to go practice at the club.

A chilling draft welcomed me as I stepped out of the taxi 20 minutes later. I took my jacket off and pulled it over my head to shield myself from the heavy rain pouring from the dark clouds rolling in the sky. 

Cold wind stirred my hair. The long strands clung to my cheeks as I raced to the club. Tonight, its neon flickering lights would be shining onto the cold, wet pavement and inviting its clients into its warmth. But for now, it was closed and I had to use the spare key the manager of the club had given me to unlock the door.

My sneakers soaked the mat at the entrance. I closed the door and tossed my jacket onto the nearest chair. The interior of the club was cast in shadows, so I flicked on the light before venturing further inside, my sneakers squeaking against the floor.

I always felt at peace whenever I was here alone. The empty club was my haven. It was ostracized from the rest of the civilization and from a certain someone I couldn't stop thinking about since last night.

I took off all of my clothes apart from my pair of shorts and my sports bra, then I tied my hair up before climbing up the steps that led to the horseshoe-shaped stage. I connected my phone to the speakers and looked for songs to dance to. 

I started by stretching my arms and legs. I rolled my neck, groaning as the muscles popped. Then, I turned to the pole and started my routine like I always did, unless this time, my dancing was unusually messy, but that pretty much represented my current state of mind.

Rindou. He was the only thing I could think of. Him and his promises he had whispered in my ear after making me come.

"Damn it, Mia. Focus," I whispered to the dead air, thumping my head against the pole.

Shaking the memories from last night away, I started dancing again.

Any time I closed my eyes, I imagined that Rindou was there, sitting at one of the many tables scattered across the club. I imagined that he was watching my every move, that his eyes were lingering on my curves, and when I did, I danced better than I ever had before. My movements became fluid. I could feel the bass of the music rumble through my whole body, settling into a warm ball at the pit of my stomach. Hearing Rindou's voice pulled the exact same reaction out of me.

After about an hour of practice, I was a sweaty mess. My pair of shorts and sports bra clung to my skin. When the last song came to an end, I let go of the pole and I freed my hair from my ponytail, letting my long locks cascade freely down my back. I was running my hands through it while catching my breath, my chest rising and falling quickly, when someone started slow-clapping. My head veered in the direction of the noise.

Hanma, the client I had given a birthday lap dance to a few nights ago, was sitting at a small round table, partly hidden in the darkness shrouding the back of the club. He was wearing a gray three-pieces suit.

He stopped applauding and crossed his arms over his chest, ever so slightly raising his chin as he gazed at me. 

"I didn't know I had an audience," I panted, still trying to calm my breathing.

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