Chapter 22

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(Trigger warning: brief mention of SA)

Rindou moves to open the car door for me. He extends a hand, offering to help me as I slide out of the passenger seat of his car. I grasp his hand, using it as leverage to stand, feeling a rush of warmth at the touch.

Since our discussion earlier at the apartment, there's been a subtle shift between us. I'm a little bit less on edge around him, but the crackling tension of attraction still lingers, electrifying the air between us. Just when I start to wonder if I'm the only one feeling it, our eyes meet briefly, and I know —he's feeling it too.

His hand settles on the small of my back as he guides me towards the entrance of the towering gray building hosting the reception. As we approach the entrance, I catch sight of Ran, Sanzu, and Kakucho standing on the steps leading to the entrance, all wearing suits. 

Rindou's hand remains on my back as we climb the stairs, drawing the attention of the trio. Sanzu and Ran's gazes caress my body so heavily that I can sense it despite the fact that I'm avoiding direct eye contact as I approach them. 

It's Kakucho who draws my gaze involuntarily. Dressed in a sleek black suit that matches his hair, with a crisp white shirt underneath, he stands out effortlessly. I catch his heterochromatic gaze sweeping over me, from head to toe.

"Nice lipstick," Ran drawls, his gaze lingering suggestively on my red-painted lips as a small smirk dances on his own.

"Yeah, very... whorish," Sanzu adds with a teasing tone.

"Sanzu," Rindou warns.

Sanzu flicks another look at me before returning his gaze to Rindou. "Don't tell me you've forgiven her already?"

"I haven't," Rindou responds, and I feel the warmth of his hand leaving my back as he drops it, tucking it into his pants pocket. "You know we have to keep up appearances in front of others."

His words leave a chill in the air, matching the cold spot his hand left on my back.

Keep up appearances. That's right, that's what we're doing tonight, I remind myself. Pretend we're the ordinary, newlywed couple.

Rindou goes to pull out his phone from his pants pocket, and noticing this, Ran informs him, "She's already inside."

Who is? His girlfriend?

The brief flicker of Rindou's gaze toward me confirms that Ran was referring to his girlfriend.

I didn't think she'd be here tonight. Maybe she knows Rindou and I are married after all. Maybe he confides in her more than he does in me.

Maybe she knows him better than I do.

A strange pang hits my heart at the realization.

Ran and Sanzu head toward the entrance of the building, walking up the stairs. Rindou trails after them, now avoiding any glance in my direction. I linger behind, feeling an uncomfortable rhythm to my heartbeat as I watch Rindou's retreating figure.

Tearing my gaze away from him, I notice one person is still there. Waiting for me.


With a faint, soft smile, he extends his hand, offering me help to walk up the stairs in my heels.

"Thanks," I breathe out, returning his smile as I reach for his hand.

Together, we walk up the stairs, my fingers intertwined with his, while my free hand delicately lifts the hem of my dress so I don't trip.

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