Chapter 20

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Kakucho wasn't lying; Izana did get a pole installed in his private gym. Floor-to-ceiling mirrors line one wall and reflect my every move as I venture inside the large room. One radio has been left in a corner. I choose a song and let the music begin. Then I walk to the pole and with a gentle touch, I initiate our embrace, my body coiling around it with a graceful strength. As I ascend, my muscles engage, propelling me higher and defying gravity's pull.

My movements become an expression of my inner desires. I completely lose myself in the moment. With each spin, my hair whips through the air until the room becomes a blur. The fabric of my black shorts and my tank top hugs my curves but still allows me to move freely. As the song reaches its crescendo, I feel one last electric surge of energy coursing through me., Then the final notes fade away, and I come to a graceful stop, my heart pounding in my chest.

I stand before the mirrors and stare back at myself, breathless and exhilarated. That's when my gaze slides to the side and my eyes meets Izana's in the mirror.  He's leaning against the doorframe, his arms crossed over his chest. He looks like he's just come back from work. The sleeves of his shirt are rolled up to his elbows, and his white hair is slightly disheveled. I can't help but wonder how long he's been standing there, watching me dance.

"I thought you said you wouldn't be home," I pant, still catching my breath from my performance.

"I finished work early," he replies, pushing off the doorframe.

As he begins a slow stride towards me, he loosens his tie with one hand, his gaze unwavering. The closer he gets, the harder the tension between us crackles with intensity.

"Have you ever danced with someone?" His voice drips with intrigue, and a thrill shoots through me.

I consider his question for a moment. "I've danced for people. In front of people. On people. But never with people, no."

His gaze smolders with a mix of challenge and desire as he reaches a stop before me. "Wanna try?"

He extends a hand towards me, and I furrow my brow, momentarily hesitant. With a hint of reluctance, I reach out and clasp his hand, allowing him to draw me against his strong frame. Our bodies align, and we start to sway gently. One of his hands rests on the small of my back while the other entertwines with mine. 

Since he's a lot taller than me, I can't set my chin on his shoulder, so I'm forced to turn my head to the side and rest my cheek against his chest. I inhale the scent of his shower gel and masculinity. It's a combination that heightens the tension between us. His presence completely envelops me.

I decide to break the silence.

"Kakucho told me you grew up foster care." 

"I did," he confirms. "So did you."

A chill runs down my spine. 

I've never told this to anyone. Not even to Kakucho when we were talking about his childhood earlier.

I slightly pull away to look up at Izana.  "How do you know about this?"

A smirk plays on his lips as he gazes down at me. "I might have done some research."

A mix of intrigue and unease pools in my stomach. I attempt to pull away, but he holds me firmly in place.

His next words strike at the core of my being. 
"I know about your parents, about your ex-boyfriend Mitsuya, and about your brother..."

The mention of my brother ignites a fiery anger within me. I muster all my strength and try to push him away, but he swiftly whips me around and wraps one arm around me while using his other hand to hold me by the throat and press my back against his front. In this position, I'm forced to face our reflections. 

The intensity in his eyes burns into mine. 

"I have a feeling you're just like me, Mia," he murmurs, holding my gaze in the mirror as he leans closer to me. "You grew up angry at the world too, didn't you?"

"You don't know me," I grit out.

His grip tightens, and in a swift motion, he whips me around once more and pushes me firmly against the mirror wall, forcing my back to come in contact with the cold glass. 

The boundary between us dissipates. I can feel his breath on my skin as he stares down at me. 

A smirk curls at the corner of his lip. "I know you're just like me. What you want most is revenge. Revenge on the people who hurt your brother."

"I've already had my revenge," I bite out.

His smirk widens, a calculated response that stirs an unsettling energy in the room. 

"So what do you want now? There must be something." 

I glare up at him. "Right now? I want to get away from you."

A mischievous glint dances in his eyes, undeterred by my defiance. His lips draw dangerously close to mine, teasing and taunting me.

"Do you, really? Tell me to stop then," he challenges before pressing his lips against my neck to leave a trail of soft, urgent kisses. 

My breathing falters.

"Come on, Mia," he taunts, his warm breath tickling my ear. "Tell me to stop."

The words catch in my throat, and my resolve teeters dangerously. The choice hangs in the air, a fragile thread of control ready to snap.

He pulls away, his eyes searching mine again. 

I'm not sure when the line between my attraction to him and the danger he represents blurred exactly, but it did. Now the line is almost invisible.

As he firmly grasps my hips and dives down to cover my lips with his, I surrender. Just for one fleeting, vulnerable moment.

"If Rindou can have fun with his girlfriend, why couldn't you have fun too?" He taunts, his voice a whisper against my lips before kissing me again.

His words jolt me back to reality.

I think of Rindou, of his warning about Izana.

What am I doing? I should hate this man. He's the reason I was forced to marry Rindou.

Anger ignites within me once more. I seize Izana's bottom lip between my teeth and bite down until I taste blood.

"Fuck," he gasps and pulls away, bringing his thumb to his lips to wipe away the crimson stain.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I taunt. "Isn't this the kind of fun you were looking for?"

With one last look, I shove past him and pick up my stuff before leaving.

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