Chapter 11

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Luna and Mana were 16 and 13 years old, but I had to admit, they were much less annoying than the other teenagers I had interacted with. They loved to read and even played the guitar.

'Mitsuya taught us!' Mana explained, flashing me a wide grin as she pointed a finger at her older brother, her mouth still full of soba.

The two sisters were adorable and the man sitting across from me at the dinner table was even cuter. Mitsuya intently watched me and his sisters speak to each other, a smile playing on his lips. Each time, my eyes met his over the table, a similar smile would make its way on my face.

At the end of dinner, Mana grabbed my arm, looking up at me with big doe eyes. 'Stay and watch a movie with us !'

I glanced at Mitsuya and Luna, unsure what to answer, then looked back at Mana. ' Uhm, I don't know-'

'You should stay.' Mitsuya spoke.

We locked eyes again and I felt my cheeks heat up.

'Okay, I'll stay for a movie.'

A second later, I was dragged out of the kitchen and into the living room by Mana. We both plopped down on the couch and watched TV while Mitsuya and Luna washed the dishes. After a minute, I decided to go offer the two siblings my help and I rose from the couch. But as I rounded the corner of the hallway and approached the kitchen, Mitsuya and Luna's conversation reached my ears.

'Come on, you clearly like her.'

Luna teased her older brother, giggling.

A smile crept across my face and I halted in the middle of the hallway to listen.

'Look, you're even blushing ! I've never seen you like this !' Luna continued.

'I'm not !'

I heard Mitsuya splash some water at Luna who giggled.

'You should ask her on a date.' She said.

My smile widened.

Would he? I would definitely say yes if he did-

'I'm not gonna ask her on a date.' Mitsuya replied, making my smile falter.

'What? Why not?' Luna asked.

'I'm not gonna date a stripper.' He replied without the faintest hint of joke in his voice. He was dead serious and Rindou's words rang in my head.

"He probably sees you like everybody else does. Just. A. Stripper."

My heart tripped over itself and tears quickly blurred my vision. Without thinking twice, I ran past the kitchen and to the front door. I snatched my jacket from the coatrack before bolting out of the house. I didn't slow down or looked back, not when Mitsuya called my name, not when thunder cracked overhead, and not when I realized I was in a part of Tokyo I had never been in.

It's weird but, when you're scared, your senses grow sharper. A phone in a passerby's hand might look like a gun and the breeze sweeping past you might feel like someone breathing down your neck.

What if the man who tried to shoot Rindou and I was following me now?

It started raining, only drizzling at first. But after a few minutes, it turned into heavy rain and I finally slowed down and stopped under a bus shelter. My hair and clothes were wet. The thin fabric of my dress clung to each of my curves.

How would I get back to Bonten's hideout?

Because I'd destroyed my phone, I had asked Ran to call me a cab to get to Mitsuya's place earlier this evening. But now, I was alone, sad, scared, and lost.

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