Chapter 15

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Since Rindou and I were pronounced husband and wife half an hour ago, we haven't said a single word to each other. The weight of our new marriage hangs heavily in the thick air of his car, along with the tension that has always existed between us.

Rindou's intentions are as mysterious as ever. All I know is that he wants to make my life a living hell, but I don't know what that hell will be like just yet. Though I'd say I'm already getting a pretty good taste of it right now.

I feel trapped. I have no idea what is to come, and whatever it is, I'm completely powerless to change it.

A sense of dread gnaws at me as we pull up to our destination: an apartment complex in the center of Roppongi. We get out of the car and Rindou hands his car key to a valet. The sight that greets me as we step inside the building is one of pure opulence. The lobby is spacious and tastefully decorated, with a gleaming chandelier hanging overhead and plush furniture placed strategically around the room. The marble floors shine under the bright lights, reflecting our silhouettes as we make our way towards the elevator.

Rindou strides ahead of me, his footsteps echoing in the hushed atmosphere. I follow behind, my eyes darting around the room as I try to take everything in.

The elevator metallic doors slide open with a soft hiss, and Rindou gestures for me to step inside first. As we ascend to our destination, the silence between us is deafening, each passing second making me more anxious about what's to come.

After what feels like an eternity, the elevator dings and the doors slide open. We step out into a pristine hallway. The walls and floors are made of sleek marble that gleams under the soft lighting.

Rindou leads the way down the hallway, his steps confident and purposeful while I look around in awe, taking in the high ceiling and the intricate wall decorations. We pass several doors, each marked with a number and a nameplate, then finally, he stops in front of a door with the number 2301 engraved on the plate. He takes out a key from his pocket, unlocks the door with a click, and then steps aside to let me go in first.

I don't think I've ever stepped in such a beautiful apartment before. The living room alone could fit my entire old apartment. The dining area is open to the living room and the kitchen is separated from the living room by a half-wall. Throughout the room, there are a few paintings and sculptures that probably cost more money than I would ever owe in my lifetime.

As I take in my surroundings, I feel a familiar pressure settle on my back. I turn around to see Rindou leaning against the closed door, silently watching me.

"Hanma is going to come look for me," I assure confidently, trying to keep my voice from shaking under his gaze.

Rindou chuckles dryly. "I doubt it."

"You doubt it?" I repeat incredulously.

"I made a deal with him," he explains, pushing off the door. "I gave him money and he agreed not to come look for you in exchange."

I narrow my eyes at him as he prowls towards me.

"Hanma would have never accepted that."

He lets out another humorless chuckle. "Oh, but he did. He was actually surprisingly easy to convince."

He stops before me and I stare up at him, my jaw and throat tight.

"You're lying," I grit, although deep down, I have a horrible feeling he's telling the truth.

Rindou smirks, his eyes gleaming with dark amusement. "Oh, Mia," he says, his tone turning mocking. "People are easily bought. You should know that better than anyone."

I bristle at his indirect accusation, my lips parting.

"All this time,..." I murmur, my voice trembling with indignation. "You believed I was the one who had ratted you out to the police, and for money out of all reasons?"

Rindou looks at me skeptically, but I can see a hint of doubt spark in his eyes.

"Why else?" He questions, his voice cold.

We fall silent for a moment, the tension between us palpable. I can feel the weight of his mistrust and my own sense of injustice pressing down on me, suffocating me.

Is there even a point in trying to tell him what actually happened that night? Would he believe me?

Breaking the silence, I clear my throat and turn my head away, signaling the end of our discussion.

"Where's my bedroom?"

Rindou's gaze lingers on me for a moment longer before he wordlessly walks down the hallway. I follow him until we arrive at a door on the right. He pushes it open and disappears inside, leaving me to stare at the empty doorway.

I hesitantly step into the bedroom and scan it quickly. It's elegantly furnished with a large bed as the centerpiece. But as my eyes linger on the bed, I know there's no way I can share it with Rindou tonight.

"I'm not sleeping in the same bed as you," I declare firmly.

Rindou simply shrugs as he begins to undress. I watch him for a moment before turning and making my way back to the living room.

I search for a place to sleep, but the couch looks more like a decoration than something you could actually sleep on. Regardless, I settle in for the night, the cold leather seeping into my bones. I have no blanket or pillow, and my thoughts keep me awake. They keep drifting back to Suki. I silently pray that she was safe. I try to push away the memory of Hanma, but it keeps resurfacing. It makes me feel sick to my stomach. I really wish with all my heart that Rindou lied about him.

But amidst all the fear and doubt, there's still one small glimmer of hope. Hope that Naoto will come looking for me, hope that I will somehow be able to escape this nightmare. It's all I have left, and I cling to it desperately as I cry myself to sleep, hoping that the sound of my sniffles echoing in the vast living room are not reaching Rindou's ears.

The next morning, I wake up to find myself alone in Rindou's bed. Confusion clouds my mind as I try to piece together what happened.

Did he carry me to his bed in the middle of the night?

The sheets are warm and inviting, a stark contrast to the frigid leather of the couch. I get out of bed and quietly pad to the living room where I find Rindou sleeping on the couch in my stead.

For a moment, I consider waking him up, but something stops me. Perhaps it's the vulnerability etched on his face as he sleeps, or maybe it's the fact that he has offered me his bed despite our mutual mistrust. 

I watch him for a moment before quietly making my way back to his bedroom, more confused than ever.

Our first day as a married couple didn't start as horribly as I thought it would.

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