Chapter 4

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The name of a five-star hotel, a date, a time. That's all Rindou gave me.

I was a fidgety mess as I walked inside the lobby of the luxurious "Four Seasons" that Thursday afternoon, perched atop the 6 inches heels of my thigh high boots. Wearing a long Chanel coat that Rindou had given me as a present seemed fitting for the circumstances. Underneath, I wore a matching set of red lingerie, a black mini-skirt, and a crop top. If I was going to give him a proper lap dance, I couldn't afford to wear any more clothes than that.

At reception, I was given the number of Rindou's suite. By the time I stepped out of the elevator and into the hallway of the 20th floor, I had managed to get a grip on my emotions again. I inhaled deeply for courage before knocking on the door twice. Rindou opened a few seconds later and leaned against the doorframe.

Even with my high heels, he's at least 8 inches taller than me, I immediately noticed.

He was wearing a similar outfit to the one he had on the night we met, except he wasn't wearing a tie today. The first buttons of his white shirt were undone. I could see the beginning of a black tattoo on the right side of his chest. 

'Mister Haitani.'


The way we greeted each other seemed way too formal, considering how informal what we were about to do was.

He pushed himself to the side to let me in. His gaze followed me, burning my side profile as I walked past him.

The suite was modernly decorated, with white and silver marble floors. Facing the floor-to-ceiling windows, was a long white leather couch with a glass coffee table in front of it. Only one lamp was turned on but the fire burning in the open fireplace bathed the whole room in a warm, reddish glow.

'You like it?'

My body tensed at Rindou's deep voice behind my back. I turned around to face him, finding him staring down at me, his hands slipped into his suit pants pockets.

It took me a few seconds to answer. 'Yeah, it's beautiful.'

He silently studied me for a moment longer before extending a hand. I understood his silent request and took off my coat so he could hang it on the coatrack by the door.

Left in my thigh-high boots, mini skirt, and crop top, I suddenly felt exposed. Although Rindou had already seen me with less clothes on at the club, it felt different. Maybe it was because we were all alone, without the distant noise of the club's music and chatter amongst customers to fill the air between us.

When Rindou turned to face me again after having hung my coat on the coat rack, he halted, his stare slowly sweeping my outfit from head to toe. 'Fuck.' The curse escaped him, scarcely above a whisper. He ran a hand across his face, then tore his eyes away and walked over to the mini bar. 'Want a drink?'

'A whiskey, please.'

Even while he was busy pouring drinks for us, I could feel his gaze follow my every move as I walked further inside the suite and stopped by the floor-to-ceiling windows. We weren't high enough to be able to see the entire district of Roppongi, but high enough so that the cars and people in the streets down below looked like tiny dots moving around.

In the reflection, I saw Rindou approach. I turned to him as he stopped next to me and took the glass of whiskey he handed me. 'Thank you.'

Staring into each other's eyes, we brought our drinks to our lips and took a first sip in sync. His adam apple bopped as he swallowed. The movement drew my gaze to the tattoo on his neck.

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