Chapter 23

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After the reception, Rindou drives Ran, Sanzu, and me back to our apartment for one final drink. Among us, Rindou is the only one sober, while Ran and Sanzu seem quite drunk. When we arrive, Sanzu and Ran waste no time grabbing a bottle of whiskey and pouring themselves drinks before collapsing onto one of our couches.

Rindou joins them, whiskey in hand, settling into a nearby armchair.

I approach him, lowering my voice, "Can I talk to you for a minute? In private?"

I've been anticipating this moment all evening, wanting to play the recording of Raven and my conversation with her for him. But, I'd rather not do it in front of Ran and Sanzu.

Rindou's gaze meets mine, several emotions battling in his eyes. Before any one emotion can triumph, Ran leans forward on the couch and reaches out, grabbing me by the arm. I swallow a gasp of surprise as he pulls me onto his lap.

Immediately, I try to stand back up, but Ran wraps one arm around me, keeping me flush against him.

"There's nothing you need to say to my brother that can't be said in front of us," he tells me, his voice low against my ear. He adjusts his position, spreading his legs and pressing his crotch harder against my ass. "Isn't that right, princess?"

He reaches up and grazes the side of my cheek with his knuckles, and I jerk my head the other way.

"Keep your hands to yourself," I say through gritted teeth, trying to get up again. But Ran only holds me tighter, and I feel his smirk grow against the curve of my neck.

I cast a desperate glance at Rindou, silently pleading for help, but he remains stoic, his jaw tight and eyes avoiding mine. In that moment, it dawns on me that maybe Ran was right: Rindou probably does still hate me. So much so that he would allow his brother and his friends to hurt me.

My throat tightens at the realization.

"Go ahead, we're all ears," Ran urges, his fingers grazing my stomach through my dress as he lifts his glass of whiskey to his lips.

Rindou's gaze briefly shifts to his brother's hand on me, but then he averts his eyes again. It makes me want to scream.

My chest tight, I retrieve Ran's phone from where I had concealed it in my décolleté.

"I spoke with Raven tonight," I reveal, setting Ran's phone on the coffee table between the couch and Rindou's seat. "You need to hear this, Rindou."

"What the hell?" Ran's voice comes out hoarse from behind me. "Is that my phone? Did you steal it?"

He tries to rise and remove me from his lap, but I lean forward and press play on the recording. As my voice fills the living room, Ran freezes in place behind me.

"How could you do this, Raven?"

"Do what, darling?"

"How can you look Rindou in the eye, smile at him, sleep with him... knowing he went to prison because of you?"

Rindou, Sanzu, and Ran remain frozen in their seats, their eyes fixed on the phone as the recording unfolds.

"It's pretty easy. He doesn't know I put the tracker in your bag that night, and he never will. Honestly, the only thing that makes this sweeter, is that he's convinced you're the one who betrayed him."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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