Chapter 13

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Suki was sitting next to Ran, Raven next to Rindou and Cherry next to Sanzu. 

I was sitting next to Kakucho. Our bodies were turned to each other and we were both leaning our sides against the sofa booth. 

We were all immersed in light conversation or in a heated make-out session in Cherry and Sanzu's case.

"What's your name?" Kakucho asked me as he handed me a glass of champagne he had just poured for me.

He had asked me first if I liked champagne or if I wanted him to order another drink for me which I had found really thoughtful. Kakucho struck me as someone who was ruthless in business but much more tender in private. I might have been wrong. We had only been talking for a few minutes after all. But my intuitions about customers were often correct.

"Angel," I answered his question.

He gave me a knowing look. "And your real name?"

"That, I can't tell the customers," I explained, giving him an apologetic smile in return with a shrug of one of my shoulders.

"Right." He nodded in understanding before taking a sip of his drink. As he did so, I caught a glimpse of a tattoo on his left pec through the opening of his black shirt. It was the same tattoo as the ones on Ran and Rindou's throats.

Peering over Kakucho's shoulder, my gaze slid to Rindou and Raven who sat a little further down the sofa booth. Raven's back was to me, partly blocking my view of Rindou as she had turned her body to him. Her shoulders were moving so I could tell she was speaking. Him, on the other hand, hadn't turned his body to hers. I watched him drag a palm over his mouth and absentmindedly nod to whatever Raven was telling him.

As if sensing my stare on him, he turned his head toward me. Our gazes clashed for the second time that night with a force I hadn't anticipated. The split second our eyes met before I averted my gaze had my pulse racing. 

I looked back at Kakucho and forced myself to focus on him.

"How old are you?" I asked him.

"I just turned 26. How old are you?"


"Why do you work here?" He asked me while I took a sip of my drink.

I swallowed the alcohol before answering, "Depends. Do you want the real story or the story I usually tell the customers?"

"The real one."

"Alright, but I should warn you it might bring the mood down," I warned, waving my index finger between him and I.

He blinked slowly, the corner of his lips tipping up. "That's alright."

I took a deep breath and exhaled. "Well, my parents died when I was young. And my brother, the only family I had left, died a few years ago. So I was struggling financially and I took this job. I mean," I sighed, "I know it's not the type of job little girls dream of doing later but it pays the bills. Plus," I paused, a smile breaking across my face, "I really love dancing."

His own lips slightly curved up. "I heard you're really good at it."

"Want to see it for yourself?" I offered.


I stood up and set my glass of champagne down on the black table in the centre of the moon-shaped booth. Then, I walked over to the speakers and used the phone connected to it to look for a song. Finally, I settled with Renegade by Aaryan Shah.

Keep your hands right there, I popped two more, she's in my mind somewhere

When the song started, the conversations faded to silence. Even Sanzu and Cherry stopped making out as I took slow gradual steps toward the pole on the small circular stage.

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