Chapter 19

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I only wait a couple of hours before making use of the phone Izana gave me. I text him and ask him if I can go for a jog, to which he replies that Kakucho will be waiting for me in the lobby of the building in 30 minutes. I put on a pair of sneakers, a T-shirt and a pair of leggings.

When I worked as an exotic dancer, a big part of my job was to stay in shape. I would go on long walks and train on the pole as often as I could. I loved it, which is exactly why having to stay in this apartment doing nothing all day is so hard.

Once I'm ready, I take the elevator down to the lobby where I find Kakucho patiently waiting for me, just as Izana had promised. I had assumed he would be following me in his car, but to my surprise, he's wearing running clothes as well. 

He's dressed in a form-fitting black long-sleeved shirt that accentuates his muscular arms and a pair of running shorts that hugs his toned thighs. He looks good. Really good. So good I can feel my cheeks flush as I approach him.

"Hi," I greet, closing the distance between us.


"So, you're going to run too?" 

He smiles slightly, his mismatched eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Yeah, why? Don't think I can keep up?"

I think it's the first time Kakucho has ever teased me. 

I can't help but reciprocate his teasing, my lips curling up as I reply, "Honestly? No, I don't think so."

He hums in response. "I guess we'll see..."

For the next 30 minutes, we run together in town, side by side. I try to focus on regulating my breathing, but occasionally, I get distracted by the glances Kakucho receives from passers-by. At first, I assume that, just like me, people are staring because they find him good-looking, but soon, I realize that they look more scared than attracted. I overhear whispers and even notice some people pointing at Kakucho. 

I steal a quick sideways glance at him to see if he has noticed. That's when I realize why people are reacting this way. 

It's true that Kakucho's face is... unique. I remember being surprised when I first saw his heterochromatic eyes and the prominent scar traversing his face. But, not once did I find any of these traits unattractive. It was quite the opposite, actually.

After another ten minutes of running, I grow breathless, and as we reach a fountain in a nearby park, I gradually slow down. Gasping for air, I collapse on the fountain's edge.

"I'm officially exhausted," I manage to utter between quick breaths.

"And officially defeated," Kakucho quips.

I glance up at him. He doesn't seem tired or out of breath at all.

Resigned, I let out a defeated sigh, and he responds with a smile. Wordlessly, he hands me his water bottle. I flash him a grateful smile in return. I take a few sips before handing the bottle back to him. While he drinks, I discreetly observe the movement of his Adam's apple as he swallows. He then lifts the bottle to sprinkle some water on his face before using the bottom of his shirt to wipe away the excess. In the process, his abs and the V-shape leading beneath his running shorts are briefly exposed.

Feeling a sudden urge to clear my throat, I avert my gaze.

"How come you're such a good runner?" I ask him.

"Izana and I used to go for runs all the time," he replies, settling down next to me on the fountain's edge.

"You've known him for a long time?" I guess, and he nods.

"We grew up in the same orphanage."

A brief silence envelops us. My mind drifts to the years my brother and I spent in orphanages and foster care. This was one the most challenging periods of my life, but at least I had my brother.

"Did you never get adopted?" I ask Kakucho, turning my head to look at him.

His gaze fixed ahead, he spreads his legs apart and leans forward with his elbows on his knees. "Izana did. Several times. But he would always end up getting sent back to the orphanage because of his behavior. And as for me, well... no one ever adopted me, of course."

Confusion creases my brow. "What? Why not?"

He turns his head to meet my gaze, his expression somber. "Why do you think? Any parent who met me was horrified by..." He pauses, gesturing toward his face. "...this." He turns his gaze forward again and sighs. Then, he lowers his head, dropping his gaze to the ground. "It's okay, you don't have to act like you don't see it," he murmurs.

"No, I see it," I say softly. With a hint of hesitation, I extend my hand, gently grasping his chin to lift his face toward mine. His eyes widen slightly as they meet mine again."I just don't understand why that would ever keep anyone from thinking you're beautiful."

A few beats pass as I slowly withdraw my hand, our eyes remaining locked. Abruptly, he turns his head away from me, his hands tightening around his water bottle. My pulse quickens, and the urge to apologize quickly wells up within me.

"I'm sorry," I rush out. "I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."

"You didn't," he says, but he's still avoiding my gaze. A blush tinges his cheeks as he continues, "It's just that hearing those words from someone like you feels... weird."

"Someone like me?"

He turns his head to look at me again, his eyes finding mine. Despite his deepening blush, he holds my gaze as he says, "Someone as pretty as you."

This time, it's my turn to look away. I shift my gaze ahead, my heart skipping several beats.

"You know," I let out a nervous chuckle, "being conventionally pretty hasn't always been a positive thing. Though, I'll admit it did help me secure my job as a dancer."

"Do you miss your job?" He asks.

"Yeah," I confess. "A lot."

"Izana told me he's gotten a pole installed in his home gym for you." My heart stutters once again. I shoot a surprised look at Kakucho, who offers, "If you want, I can give you a ride to his place later."

"I'd love that," I breathe out.

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