chapter 2 :: mr. sakonji urokodaki

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WARNINGS: the follow chapter will contain the following:

 foul language, mentions of blood.

Tamashii watched both in awe and amusement at the sight before. Her friend had begun to dig a hole, a small one, not too deep. A pile of dirt lay just beside it, and it grew as she continued to dig.

The sun had risen, it's light almost seeping into the cave. The trio had certainly walked a lot, and in the end Tanjiro had left them here, saying he would be back with some supplies. As they waited, Tamashii sat just outside, enjoying the sunlight.

Her eyes were sore. She certainly had cried a lot when that had occurred. Thinking about it now made her feel like crying even more, but she held her tears back and glanced at the girl in the cave, now hidden inside of her hole.

"He wasn't kidding," she murmured, stepping inside to check on her. "You really dislike the sunlight now, huh?" She sighed, patting the girl's head. Nezuko looked at her and she only assumed that she smiled through that cursed muzzle of hers. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "I―"

"Tamashii," a familiar voice called out. The girls' heads turned to the entrance of the cave where Tanjiro stood, peering inside. "Nezuko ah―" He paused mid-way, staring at his sister inside the hole. " my sister...t-turning into a mole?" he murmured, kneeling beside her and patting her head. "Ah, you really hate the sunlight, don't you?" He frowned for a moment before standing to his feet, walking outside. "Stay here, I'll be back!" he called out.

They watched him leave, a determined expression on his face. A small smile appeared on her lips as she watched him go, and she turned to Nezuko in turn. "I'll be back as well," she stated quietly. "Don't get into any mischief while I'm gone, Nezuko." She waved at the girl for a moment before walking outside.

"There are you," she smiled slightly. She stepped closer to where her friend sat: he was working on fixing a basket it seemed. "What're you gonna do with that?"

He pursed his lips, examining the basket every once in a while to make sure there were no extra holes that would allow sunlight in. "It's for Nezuko," he said, looking up every once in a while to smile at her. "I want to travel during the day as well. If she fits, I can carry her with me." She nodded in understanding and knelt beside him, handing him straw and bamboo every once in a while.

They were quiet. It was a peaceful silence, with nothing but the usual birds chirping as they flew overhead.

"Tamashii," she turned to look at him. When he finished it, the basket looked better than before. The brunette wasn't looking at her, his eyes on the ground. She frowned at his sudden change of behavior. "I was thinking....maybe it's best if you leave us."

Almost immediately she was on her feet, staring at her friend in surprise. Had the boy not moved out of the way and explained himself quickly, she would've launched herself at him. Her eyes widened and she struggled to find her words as they began to argue, their words mixing together and sounding like utter nonsense.

"Let me speak!" he yelled. He sighed, running his hands through his hair as he stood. "Just...gosh, you're so stubborn sometimes. Listen to me."

"No," she retorted, her visible eyes narrowed. "Don't speak to me," she stepped away from him, gritting her teeth in frustration. "I can't believe you would―"

"Look at me," he demanded, taking a step forward. She raised her head, glaring at the boy. If looks could have killed, he probably would've been dead.

"Don't touch me," she seethed, slapping his hand away. "Don't― fuck you Tanjiro." Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as she attempted to back away. "I can't believe you! You're such a selfish prick―"

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