chapter 14 :: the wisteria family crest, a place to rest

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WARNINGS: this chapter will contain

foul language, brief mentions of violence + nudity

As far as I can remember, I've always had these strange dreams. The craziest thing about them is that as far as dreams can go, I barely remember anything. I can only recall the sense of peace I felt, and the sound of someone's beautiful voice wafting through the air.

It was always a beautiful thing to me. The sound of beautiful singing comforted me each and every time I'd wake up, though it did suck how I could barely remember the exact details of the dream.

I think it was because of this that I started liking singing. When I lived with the Kamado family, I would listen to Miss Kie sing quiet lullabies whenever she lulled me to sleep. I'd make a note to memorize the tune and the lyrics.

And then, I'd sing them to myself, or to Nezuko or even the younger Kamado siblings. I think Rokuta seemed to like it the most since he was the one who would always cling to me for comfort.

Now, ever since I started this whole demon slayer business and learning this Siren breathing technique, it's become more and more common. Mr. Urokodaki has taught me a lot, especially with the whole singing and dancing thing.

It's funny...back then, I could barely hear anything for a penny, and now I could even hear a sparrow's heartbeat if I listen close enough.

It's an interesting change...but I'm not sure I'm ready for anymore.

Whenever I'm upset or hurt, I sing to myself. It's always been my comfort even before I became close with Tanjiro.

And now I'm wondering...that maybe if I had...

Oh, what's the point? The past is in the past now.

I should....focus...more on the present....

Tamashii sat up gasping for air, which she immediately regretted when a familiar pain racked through her body and caused her to fall back onto her side. The sounds of screaming filled her airs and she winced from the sound, her good arm going instinctively to cover her ears from the noise as she looked around her area.

Tanjiro and the children (she assumed the older looking boy was Kiyoshi, the children's brother) were kneeling before a number of bounds. They were praying it seemed, and so she believed that they were offering prayers to the unfortunate souls that had been stuck in that blasted mansion. Relief washed over her as it clicked to her that her friend had survived, and she almost wanted to lay back down and close her eyes once more.

Except that she couldn't, because the screaming increased louder in volume. A familiar head of blond flashed before her and jumped over her body and latched on to poor Teruko. Following behind him was a rather familiar-but not so familiar person who tripped over her legs and fell face-first on top of her legs. At this point she was just grateful that it had been that and not the upper half of her injured body.

Speaking of injuries, she noticed her gakuran jacket was unbuttoned, which revealed the sarashi she'd worn, a couple of the bandages Lady Tamayo had previously wrapped around her as well as a few more obvious cuts and bruises along her lower abdomen. Her right arm held a simple home-made sling which she was just now noticing.

The boy that sat atop of her piqued her interest, as she swore she'd never seen him before. But upon closer inspection, she noticed that the boy did seem familiar. Or well, the muscular half of his body at least. His face was rather delicate, feminine looking even and had it not been for his exposed torso she would've assumed them to be a female.

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