7 - Cognac lilac fumes

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I sat on the wooden chair in front of my vanity as I curled my lashes getting ready for tonight. I've been in Clearwater for two weeks and somehow tonight was the first time I was invited to hangout with Billie and her friends outside of school.

"What are you wearing tonight by the way?" I hear the sound of Billie's voice asking me through the phone.

"Hmm I was thinking just sweatpants and a shirt, nothing special." Or maybe jeans I haven't decided yet.

"Oh well I actually forgot to tell you everyone's wearing these really short skirts so you should too if you don't wanna be left out." She says as I can almost hear her smirking on the other end.

"HAHA yeah thanks Billie i'll definitely do that." She's always flirting.

A while later I hung up the phone and threw on some grey sweatpants and an oversized tee. We're all gonna meet up at Ali's tonight for a sleepover and watch a movie so I wanted to be in something comfy. I finished packing some clothes and got ready while listening to one of my favorite songs Off to The Races as I waved my hair.

Likes to watch me in the glass room, bathroom, Château Marmont

Slippin' on my red dress, puttin' on my makeup

Glass room, perfume, cognac, lilac fumes

Says it feels like heaven to him...

I still felt a little disoriented since I went to the cemetery. Visiting your best friend only to have her six feet beneath you is eerie, so hopefully tonight I can take my mind off it.

Billie always takes my mind off things.

The plan for tonight was to relax tonight but a certain thought would not leave my mind. Zoe's boyfriend Jason. Before Scar was killed she used to talk about a friend she met at school named Jason, and I'm betting he's the same one. But if it's the same Jason why hasn't he said anything to me before? Scar would have told him about me but maybe he doesn't want to talk about her, being dead and all.


The ride to Alison's house was only 5 minutes from mine. I walked outside on the cold moonlit lawn towards the familiar dodge challenger that's been outside my house a lot more lately.

I stepped into the heated car looking at the dark haired girl in the driver's seat beside me.

"Yeah the mini skirts gonna have to wait love" I say in a British accent while getting in the car.

"What are those?" Billie says pointing to the tin of chocolate chip cookies and some Italian moon cookies I had made after giving me a pouty face cause I'm not wearing a super short skirt like she suggested.

"Cookies, I wasn't going to go empty handed. I've never been there before." I never showed up to someone's house the first time without anything to bring. I've always loved baking, it was my love language. It takes your mind off of things and distracts you from the world. No need for therapy when I can bake my thoughts away.

"That's cute, where's your bag though?" She asks, tapping her fingers along her wheel.

"Huh?..OH! Hold on!" I say loudly while running back into the house grabbing my overnight bag I had left on the stairs.

"Oops sorry I forgot it when I grabbed the cookies I think." I say opening the door and getting back into the car.

"You don't have to apologize baby, are you ready to go though?" She asked me while putting her arm around me as I went in to hug her.

"Oh I was putting your seatbelt on but this is nice too." She says as we laugh while I take my arms off around her neck. I'm so embarrassing.

"Hey Billie... do you think your friends like me?" I ask her. To be honest I get the feeling that Zoe and Alison like me but I haven't really talked to Jason and Robin, besides saying hi in class and listening to everyone's conversations.

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