29 - 𝘚𝘩𝘦 𝘓𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘴 𝘓𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘎𝘰𝘥

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Billie turned her head around as did Alison as I saw a flash of their hair cover my vision.

What are they looking at?

I turned around in confusion of what they were staring at the moonlight flashing before my eyes as a ghost of my past appeared in front of me.

I closed them for a moment, feeling an overwhelming  fatigue as I hallucinated what was in front of me while my eyes played a tireless trick on me.

I opened them again noticing Billie and Alison had not moved or said a word.

Snowflakes fell in front of my vision as I turned back to face the ghost of my past, but it was no ghost. She was real.

But how...?


My heart fell to my stomach and was turning and twisting and ripping itself apart inside of me like my entire body was about to explode.

I stared at the thing in front of me. The eerie feeling engulfed me in its soul as I looked at the undead girl standing there.

If I blew her way would she turn into dust and float into the frosty December wind?

It's not Scar. I tell myself. It's not, it can't be. This is imaginary, its non-existent.

Why are my eyes playing such a sick sadistic joke on me right now?

I opened them slowly again waiting to see nothing but the snowy forest and the trail of crimson left on the ice.

But she was still there.

"Maddy..." The ghost speaks my name with such a familiar yet unrecognize voice sending chills down my spine and freezing my entire body as I stayed in the same place.

"Who are you..?" I step back trying to pinch myself out of a nightmare.

"It's me...it's Scar. Why are you scared? Please don't be scared of me. I missed you so much my love." She steps closer and I step backwards onto Billie flinching.

"No you're not. Scars dead. She's dead!" I yell at the thing in front of me. My chest starts getting tighter and tighter.

"No, I'm not Maddy! Look at me! It's me." It screams back at me.

I look at Billie and Ali staring at the ghost in shock, not blinking an eye or saying a word. My chest starts moving up and down faster and faster as she gets closer.

"How...how are you here? How are you alive? You're supposed to be dead, this is impossible. YOUR DEAD!" I say quietly, trying to catch my breath. My lungs feel filled with water like I was back under the water the night at the cabin. Sinking deeper into the cold darkness.

What the fuck.

What the literal fuck.

How is the girl I spent all year grieving over standing right in front of me only a few meters away?

"How the fuck are you here right now!?" I yell as if a demon is standing in front of me waiting to chase me down any second. I keep my eyes from blinking as I stare at it.

"Don't you see I did this all for you?" She says as tears flood her face. She looks so different yet the same.

"Did what?? Fucking die? You don't even know the days I spent wanting to shoot myself in the fucking head to be with you! I couldn't even live without you. I had no one and you left me all alone! And now you're back saying you did it for me? HOW THE FUCK IS THIS FOR ME? HOW ARE YOU HERE? YOU RUINED MY ENTIRE LIFE!" My knees feel weak as I fall to the floor, the snow burning and melting on my knees.

𝙒𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙃𝙤𝙩 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 - 𝐵.𝐸Where stories live. Discover now