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Hi! Most of you already know but my name is Maddy, and I just want to thank you for reading this far and finishing the book with me!

I wrote this book unsure if I would publish it or not and I am very happy I did. I met some really cool people on here! I thought only maybe 10-20 people would read it since this is my first book I have ever created. So the fact that as I am writing this right now there are over 2 thousand reads, is totally insane!

Last year around my birthday in the middle of a pandemic I told one my friends Sarah, who already has a very popular Billie inspired book on here, that I was super bored and there were no other good Wattpad books to read since we read them all, she told me to write one as a joke and I said lol yeah sure bye. I loved reading books on here and Billie books were actually the reason I ever downloaded this app in the first place. Not to sound cheesy or anything but I actually met my online best friend on here through her book so even though the idea of Wattpad could be very cringe to others it always kinda was meaningful to me since someone I met on here means the world to me now.

When I was younger I always admired friends and classmates who could write very well and come up with amazing stories in their minds and  transfer them onto paper.  I have always been known as the kid who was the worst at spelling and grammar, so writing a novel never seemed possible. Not to mention the fact that if I wrote a book all the ideas, brainstorms and side notes would be so confusing and get so messy in my mind there would be absolutely no way I would take them and turn them into a  story that actually makes sense.

To be honest I actually doubted myself the entire writing process, even when I was writing the last few chapters I thought about if the book was actually good or interesting and if anyone would enjoy it as much as I do. But instead of doing nothing all summer I decided to take the time and write all my ideas down on paper and come up with a interesting plot, and in my option I did. At least kinda interesting lol.

I cannot even tell you the amount of times I had changed the plot for this novel, even half way through it I decided change the entire thing and go back and rewrite everything. I learned that I am a perfectionist when it comes to writing, everything has to make sense and add up when creating a mystery novel so it's hard as hell. The worst was when I was writing chapter 28 near Christmas and I accidently deleted the only copy of the novel I had. I literally had a whole breakdown and was crying on the phone with google for 2 hours but they thankfully got it back so thank you google for taking 10 years off my life.

It took from July 2021 to February 2022 to finally complete it and edit it a bunch of times. But after eight months and spending hours and hours on each chapter it was finally complete and I actually feel accomplished.

In a way this novel was not only a love letter to Billie but to all the other movies and shows and songs I love, and everything that really influenced my life. I know it sounds stupid to say that twilight influenced my life but there has always been something about those movies that were so beautiful, and it wasn't the vampires or the characters, its something so unique that I cant quite explain. But I will stop drooling about twilight lol that's not the point.

My point is thank you to everyone who not only voted and commented but just to everyone who actually enjoyed the book. I really wanted to create something interesting and fun, not just another typical love story between Billie and another person you know? Don't get me wrong some of those stories are amazing but personally I just get bored easily and so a really important thing for me was to not make even one chapter boring. I wanted each chapter to have a certain feeling to it and to be interesting, even if Billie wasn't in a few of them I wanted the readers to still want to read it. So when someone told me I was the only author that made a book still interesting without Billie in a few chapters  I literally cried in my bed ily. I think some people don't really care what they are reading as long as it's about her, but why not take the time to create a good storyline with plot twists AND her, it's just so much more interesting.

I might just be a nerd but that feeling of finding out an amazing plot twist whether it's in stranger things or some movie it is just so fun. And it's even more thrilling being able to go back and watch or re-read everything again and understand what's truly going on, which is what I wanted to do with White Hot.

Now is this the end of White Hot?

I'm not sure. I actually have an entire sequel planned out where everything makes sense and there's new drama, plot twists and characters coming to Clearwater. If I continue to finish it it will not take as half as long as it took to write White Hot I promise! The only thing I am struggling with is whether to actually make a second part or not. I think the way White Hot ended was perfect and that last little part leaves everything on an eerie note which is what I wanted all along. There are still so many events and storylines from White Hot though that could lead into other amazing ones, I'm just not sure whether I should continue it or leave it, because I know some good things should be left alone. So if you guys could comment or give me your opinions on whether a second part would be good or not, please do! The actual story line for the sequel in my opinion is amazing. I'm just not sure if it should happen so let me know!

But really thank you for spamming each chapter with comments. It's my favorite thing ever reading and replying to them. I thought no one would even enjoy this novel as much as I do, truly. So when I see you guys saying it's your favorite Billie book or you're telling me how much you like it, you don't know how much I appreciate that so thank you. A friend on here even created a story and said that that White Hot inspired them to write it which is so fucking insane to me because I really didn't think I would ever get this much love. Having at least one person love this book as much as I do is all I ever wanted.

So I'm going to say thank you again one more time. I appreciate everyone's comments and I love hearing all your theories, some were so good even I was blown away by your attention to details! It means so much to me that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Thank you so much.

Love Maddy <3

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