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I had never given much thought to how I would die, but dying in the place of someone I love doesn't seem like such a bad way to go.

"Today marks the 4 month anniversary of the death of the seventeen year old girl, Scarlett Fox, which struck our small town of Clearwater. On the tragic early morning of May 15th the girl's body was found in the woods near the coast of La Push beach. The body was found burnt after falling into a fire she had supposedly made moments before she pulled the trigger towards her head with a pistol around midnight. This case has been closed as a suicide after finding a note Scarlett had written near the site. If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, please seek help and call ...."

The noise of the news channel began to fade away as I slowly disconnected myself from the world around me. Listening to news anchors who knew nothing about Scar angered me in more ways than I could imagine.

A suicide? Really? I had known Scar since before our mouths could even form words. I knew everything about her and she knew everything about me, she never would have left me like this.

She was my everything.

Our parents met in college back in the '90s and became best friends, so much so that they even decided to buy houses right beside each other. Scar was born five months ahead of me so we were brought up together. She was genuinely the most perfect person I had met, not only her personality but her looks as well.

Scar's birth name was Scarlett, but she always thought it sounded too feminine for her. Scar, on the other hand, fit her so much better, so she went by that version of her name ever since her sixth birthday.

But back to her being perfect, she really is. Her dark chocolate eyes would pierce right through yours as if she knew your deepest darkest secrets just by looking at you. Along with her curly brunette hair, full lips, a small nose with a bump on the bridge, her warm skin tone and not to mention her figure, she really is breathtaking...or was.

She was my best friend, my soulmate, I knew my world couldn't exist without her in it. The both of us had trouble making new friends and hanging out with other people besides with each other. We really were twin flames and everything we did, we did together, including dating.

Scar was my first everything. First kiss, first love, first time...first heartbreak. After my 15th birthday we finally admitted we had feelings for each other and began to date shortly before we came out. Coming out was just another thing we had done together.

We both knew we weren't straight since we would always search girls kissing on YouTube together and make our barbies scisso- make out.

Scar had truly loved me and I knew that no matter what, she always told me how she felt. If she felt suicidal, I would have known about it. She was killed and it was pretty obvious.

The Clearwater police department doesn't know their ass from a hole in the ground, which is why I'm currently printing out three plane tickets to Clearwater, Washington as we speak. I was going to have to solve my girlfriend's murder even if it was the last thing I do. She deserves it.

Our families raised us in the Hamptons, three hours from New York City. Both of our families were pretty well off financially. I always had everything I needed and mostly everything I've wanted.

My mom didn't always get me everything I asked for, but it was her way of keeping me grounded so I could learn to appreciate how lucky we were. I had never left the state of New York before, so moving across the country to a random ass town in the middle of nowhere was terrifying. But for Scar, I would do anything.

𝙒𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙃𝙤𝙩 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 - 𝐵.𝐸Where stories live. Discover now