13 - Pale moonlight

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I couldn't wait to touch her. To run my hands all over her body and hear her moans from her pretty mouth with every trace my fingertips made along her skin.

I almost want to touch her more than I want her to touch me. The thought of what happened at the air b&b that night would not leave my mind. Every part of it was perfect,  she knew exactly what I wanted.

I laid in my empty bed staring at the white ceiling above me listening to the sound of my mom cleaning downstairs through my airPod's playing The Neighborhoods album. Billie left a week after the date to go visit her grandparents back in Cali, which was three days ago so she should be home sometime soon.

I wish she was beside me.

Ever since I moved to Clearwater a few weeks ago, we haven't spent more than a few days apart. It felt so normal which is why I felt weird. We've only known each other for less than two months and I am already so attached.

Is it because I slept with her? Do I really like her or am I just infatuated by her?

A million questions ran through my mind as I flipped over on my side, trailing my eyes across the white wooden walls with some cracks carved in them. I should repaint this with Bil. She would look so cute with paint in her messy hair.

Does this make me a shitty person?

Sleeping with someone while I'm supposed to be solving my ex girlfriends murder?

Don't get me wrong I missed Scar too, more than anything. We never a last anything, no last hug, no last kiss, no last talk, no last goodbye.

I wish we at least had the chance.


I spent the afternoon thinking of Scar and Billie and Billie and Scar and the two of them nonstop, on repeat like a broken record.

Billie makes me feel different , like I have a purpose besides figuring out what happened those last few months Scar lived here.

I think I'm going to tell her. About Alison I mean. Billie and Ali are friends but this isn't the type of thing I could keep from her, she's a part of my life now so I have to let her in.

I'll fill her in on my second life of playing Sherlock Holmes when she's back , but for now all I'm going to focus on is the pumpkin spice latte and blueberry ice cream I'm currently walking to get.

Yes, pumpkin spice is considered basic but basic shouldn't be a bad thing, basic means normal, and all normal people like lattes right? Plus I've been craving that vegan ice cream every single night since Billie took me after we skipped school that one time.

I walked on the worn down sidewalk pulling my dark brown  sleeves over my hands as the chilly October air blew past me. All the trees had changed colours by now, leaving behind a mahogany honey coloured sheet that crunched and crinkled underneath my every step.

Clearwater was so charming, it was kind of dead sometimes since the population is extremely small but the quietness gives it a different kind of beauty. Something you wouldn't find in Los Angeles or New York.

I walked past the school seeing its red bricks now appearing black after the sun went down. Schools are so eerie at night. At least for me anyways.

The main street in this town resembles those stereotypical small town fairy tale streets with a bunch of stores on them. Each little shop is unique to Clearwater, no Starbucks or McDonalds you see on every single street in big cities.

I walked into the dark brown store The Coffee Club and instantly was filled with the warm sweet aroma, and scents of roasted coffee beans and chai tea spices that filled the air.

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