3 - 𝘚𝘶𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘥𝘦 & 𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘯 𝘈𝘳𝘵

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I couldn't stop thinking of Billie during history class. There was something about her that was so intriguing besides her looks. I wondered if it was fate that I saw her again. But fate, was it even real? If it was, then why was it Scar's 'fate' to die and leave me? Was it really her fate to be murdered?

I used to believe in it when she was still alive. We were so perfect for each other, it couldn't have just been a coincidence. Now I'm not so sure. Scar is always on my mind no matter who's talking to me or what I'm doing. But Billie? She somehow got my mind off of her, even if it was for only a few moments. I think that's what I like about her.

The bell for lunch rang which gave me anxiety. I didn't want to be the new girl sitting alone. That's so awkward, but I guess I could stay on my phone the whole time if it comes to it or eat in my car... I started walking down the hall towards the cafeteria when an arm wrapped around my shoulder.

"Hey." A voice whispered in my ear. The voice was all too familiar for me to not know who it belonged to. The sound of her chains and feeling her cold rings along my collarbone, who else could it have been?

"Billie! Fuck, you scared me." I said in a breathy voice.

"You're gonna come sit with me and my friends, right?" She said, easing my anxiety. At least I have somewhere to sit. Her arm that was still around me directed me in the direction of the table before I could answer. It's not like I was going to decline anyways.

We walked towards a table near the back of the cafeteria with about four other people already eating and talking. Four very attractive people.

"Hey guys this is Maddy, the new girl I was talking about." Billie said as they all said their hi's. 'New girl I was talking about' made me wonder what she had already said to them.

"Maddy, this is Alison, Robin." She said while gesturing to each person. "and then the two whores cuddling over there are Zoe and Jason." Billie ended off while smiling at Zoe.

This friend group was really attractive, I felt out of place. Alison, the first girl Billie pointed to, was so gorgeous. I recognized her, she was sitting in the front row during history. She had the most beautiful natural long red hair as well as her green eyes that looked like shining emeralds.

"Hi there! So you're the new student Billie wouldn't stop talking about in the group chat!" Alison said in a high pitched tone as she pulled me into a hug. She's very eccentric, but she seems sweet.

"You're really pretty, you know that? I love that necklace1 Where did you get it?" Alison says as her hand reaches towards my neck gliding her hand along the butterfly . She seems very interested in me.

"Oh, thanks you're really pretty too, and I got it from my mom." I replied with a smile. I'm not extremely talkative like she was, but once I get to know someone, I never shut up.

I sat down beside Billie while she was stealing fries from the boy at the end of the table, Jason. I think he and Scar were friends when she was still here.

"So Maddy, tell us about yourself. Why did you move all the way here from New York?" She interrogates. Billie must have filled Alison in already.

"Ah, I just wanted a fresh start. People are really toxic in New York, so I wanted to get away from it all." I said, not wanting to tell her the real reason.

"I LOVE New York, I've been a few times with Robin. It's so fun there, I could shop for hours and hours and all the parties are so fun there!" Alison said as she placed her hand on the quiet girl beside her.

I smiled at Robin and she did as well quickly before looking away. She was pretty as well, dirty blonde wavy hair, freckles, blue downwards pointed eyes and a lot of ear piercings. She looked shy..or maybe she just doesn't like me.

𝙒𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙃𝙤𝙩 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 - 𝐵.𝐸Where stories live. Discover now