5 - 𝘊𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 & 𝘞𝘪𝘯𝘦

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I took a deep breath while sitting on the side of my bed, sucking in all my emotions from this weekend before getting ready for school.

The thought of Scar not sharing something with me before her death seemed surreal. The feeling of not truly knowing something about someone I love made my heart sink into my stomach even more than it already was, knowing I might never find out what she was hiding. All I know is that she wasn't hiding her emotions or how she was dealing with her mental health, this was something different. It felt different.

I grabbed my black school bag and walked downstairs while applying some rose tinted lip balm. My parents had already left for work, as usual. They're generally not here in the morning or after school, but it's fine. I'm used to it. I bunny tied my black converse while fixing my hair in the slim brass mirror by the door.

My outfit actually looked planned today compared to all of last week. I had on my grey Dolce shirt with a beige undershirt over Scar's silver locket, attached along with a pair of medium rise jeans my parents had given to me for my birthday last year. The jeans were tight, but had a flare at the end. Not as much as those 70's style ones, but the outfit  still gave off Elena Gilbert vibes.

I locked the front door behind me as a gust of cold air hit my skin. I don't know what it is about the chilly fall weather, but it feels so nostalgic. I crave it all year long. Probably because it reminds me of Halloween, my favorite holiday.

I walk down the steps to the familiar black Dodge parked by the curb. I felt bad about not talking to Billie all weekend. I wasn't ignoring her, I just had the thought of the letters I found in Scar's room engraved in my mind. I wasn't even sure she would be picking me up this morning.

I walk on the wet grass to the side of her car and see her sitting in the driver's seat, distracted by something on her phone. I swing open the passenger door and she looks at me fake-shocked, with her jaw open and her hands on her face. Very Kevin McCallister of her.

"Oh my god you're alive!" She said jokingly as she pulled me into her arms, a whiff of warm vanilla rushing to my nostrils.

"Yeah I am. I'm sorry Bil, I had a long weekend and I was gonna text you as soon as I got home from the Fox's, but I was so tired." I told her, my hand on top of hers.

"Do you wanna tell me what happened? You don't have to, but I'm all ears if you're okay with it?" She told me while putting her keys in the ignition and starting up the car.

"It's fine, I'll tell you later, Bil. Nothing life threatening, so don't worry." I say while distracted by her arm behind the headrest of my seat while she turned the car around and drove us to school. She always makes me flustered when she does that.

I grabbed my phone in the side pocket of my bag when Billie got out of the car and opened the door on my side before walking into school together. I looked around us as we walked to the gym and noticed a lot of stares, more than I received on my first day here. Weird.

"Why are people staring?" I whispered to her as I tugged her arm.

"No clue, but probably 'cause we're both hot as fuck." Billie's voice boomed, making even more people look over at us.

School goes by quickly with her. Don't get me wrong, it still feels like an eternity, but Billie makes it less miserable. I walked down the hallway filled with light green lockers towards the photography room. I smiled at Mrs. Miller and skipped over to Billie sitting down at the back table. Ali and Robin were working on something and Zoe and Jason were watching something on one of their phones.

"Whatcha watchin'?" I whisper behind Zoe and Jason as I take a seat next to Bil.

"Murder House, 'cause Jason is in love with Tate." Zoe says as she pushes Jason.

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