25 - Down the rabbit hole

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Recorder, check.. Tape, check.. Scar's old lighter, check. Rope....in case, check. Extra clothes, check.


I lined everything up that I was bringing tonight neatly on my plum coloured sheets. Everything had to be perfect. No mistakes. No stupid decisions , only perfection.

The sunset outside my window shinned across the gun's cold metal. I thought my first time using a fake I.d would be for alcohol...not this. There's bullets in the gun but it's on safety mode. I don't know if I trust myself holding it, it seems to just weigh me down.

But Alison is going to confess to killing Scar one way or another by tonight, no matter how much scaring her it takes into doing so. I wrapped everything up in a blanket and put some clothes and snacks on top of everything in my old gym duffle bag, to look as normal as a sleepover at the cabin could be.

"Hey Alison I will be there in like 30 minutes and then we will leave. Sounds good?" I tell Alison over the phone while picking the skin around my fingers.

"Yes!! It's perfect. I'm also going to bring these strawberry cupcakes I just bought yesterday with these cute heart sprinkles and Sadie is lending me her projector so we can even hook it up to Netflix!" Ali squeals excitedly over the phone. God how does she have so much energy it's 8pm.

"So Maddy, why did you wanna just go us two anyways? I for sure thought you would drag Bil along." She asks.

"Oh well I just thought it would be fun, you and I never really spent time without Bil or Robin or everyone." I lie.

I told her to be ready and then hung up a few seconds after, while I sat on the edge of my bed staring at the photo of me and Scar on my wall from before she moved.

I missed her. I am still so confused on why she kissed Billie even as a "prank" when she knew stuff like that would hurt me if I found out, she probably thought I never would.

I shut my phone down and put it in the back of my nightstand in case my parents came home early from their conference in Seattle and found it while I'm out. I already texted them I was staying at Billie's and we were going to bed early so hopefully they don't text me.

I couldn't bring my iPhone. I didn't want to risk anyone knowing my location in case something goes wrong. Plus I know for a fact the government is listening to us through it so no way in hell I'm bringing it with me.

Everything else I'm bringing is just a precaution. I mean I probably wont use the rope or tape to tie her up but I'm definitely using a recorder , how else would anyone believe me that she was the murderer of a crime they thought was a suicide?

And the gun? Just in case.

"Just in case, in case, innn cassseee." I whispered to myself as I stepped back and forth on my creaky wooden bedroom floor.
This is how everything is going to go down: I'm going to pick her up, have small talk or whatever in the car ride and then chill for a few minutes after we get there. I'm going to put on a movie while we sit on the couch. Then I'll make sure every single window and door is locked shut so not even myself can run away plus I'll be recording everything.

After I have Ali on the couch I'll confront her and maybe bring out the gun to scare her a little into confessing, and then I'm done. That's it. A simple easy confession from her is all I needed. Afterwards, I'll head down to Clearwater's county police station and show them the tape of Alison confessing.

Then they arrest her, we go to court and boom she's rightfully in jail for murder in the first degree. I don't even care if anything sounds stupid, it's just something I have to do. I don't think I can live my life and not get revenge on the person who took her away from me.

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