19 - 𝘛𝘰𝘳𝘯 𝘈𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘴

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I wrote everything down on paper, so it could easily be burned. Turned to ash and spread across the earth as it became nothing.

The words on the pages would mean nothing as it went up in flames, therefore no one would suspect a thing.

I wrote every detail about how the night would go, word for word not forgetting a single thing. The thought of Scar made me mad. Not only mad from what she did but that I still cared so much about her. I could never forget the two of them, my brain nor my heart would allow it.

Trying to forget someone you love is trying to remember someone you never met.

It was Wednesday, almost two weeks since seeing Billie's betraying tattoo. Two weeks since speaking to her. I was not angry about her sleeping with Scar since she never knew who I was yet, I was angry about how she lied to me about not knowing her personally or the fact that she shared a bed with her.

Was I angry at her for making me fall in love with her?

One thing I was, is that I was relieved by something that Scar used to love before she died.

If it wasnt for all of the late nights keeping me awake by the sound of her watching murder and true crime documentries, I would probably have countless mistakes in my journal right now.

Small mistakes can have big consequences. Everything connects to everything, the butterfly effect. And if one wing doesn't match the other, this plan could very much be doomed.

I still have a few mistakes but none of it will matter once she's underneath the ground, dirt in her lungs and worms in her copper hair.

I don't know what my future holds but I know well of what will become of her.

See, I figured it out.

Not all the small details, but I do know who killed Scar and their sick reasons for doing so.

It was Alison. It had to be.

How could it not? I knew the moment I saw the flames carved into her.

Everyone went back to school seven days ago after the fire. They still don't know who did it, but thankfully it gave me the time to think. I called the school's office informing them I was sick so they had a reason for justifying myself for missing a second week.

I sat at my desk, on the floor, in bed, on the carpet and every square inch of my room that I could, even inside the dark closet so I could focus on my thoughts..only they seemed louder and darker in the dark. I thought non-stop as I filled the entire pack of blue sticky notes which hung on my wall.

My room was flooded with pages, crumpled up papers and pens in every frame of my vision. I barely changed my clothes this week.

I'm sure what I now know, is correct.

Alison was the killer.

Scar moved to Clearwater a year ago, the beginning of grade eleven. She became friends with Jason since Scar told me they were in many of the same classes and Jason confirmed they were friends at the night of Ali's sleepover.

Jason is extremely close with Zoe, Billie and the rest of the group so he must have been the one to introduce everyone to Scar.

Scar was gorgeous. I mean everything about her was, even all the girls at our school back in New York wanted her, so I don't blame Billie for being tempted.

For some reason I don't know , Scar and Billie slept together. I can't figure out why Scar would cheat on me. We were long distance but we never let that get in the way.....or at least I didn't.

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