18 - 𝘏𝘪𝘨𝘩 𝘉𝘺 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘉𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩

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After spending the weekend in her room tucked away in her chair she finally made it, away from society sitting on a patch of frostbitten grass on the edge of the world.

High up on La Push cliff, no one could reach her. The fog coming from the trees held her legs down and the white smoke travelled downwards to the beach where the girl she loved was taken by the fire many months ago.

The evergreens covered the area, and the beauty of this landscape silenced her.

Each pine tree towered high above her, pushing forward the remnants of the past week that lingered in her mind.

She stood up and had never felt her feet upon such solid ground but still lost her balance , not feeling safe. Before losing Scar she had never felt the pain of losing someone, but she cries on this mountain from losing her all over again.

Once again her world was crumbling down not only from Scar but Billie as well.

She stared up at the angry sky, waiting for the first drops to break the stillness. The light blue above her reminded her of falling in love with the blue eyes she met two months ago.

The waves picked up as Maddy paced back and forth, beginning to crash against the rocks, but there was still no wind.

She felt pinned down by the pressure of the storm inside her mind. Everything swirled around in her head, but it was perfectly still where she stood.

Farther out, the waves were angrier than they were along the shore. She  could see them battering against the line of  cliffs, spraying big white clouds of sea foam into the sky.

There was still no movement in the air, though the clouds roiled more quickly now. It was eerie looking at the white patches above  that were moving quicker by their own will.

She took more steps getting closer to the edge each time as she wondered how the freedom of falling would take away all of her heartbreak and sadness.

The pain was growing more and more intolerable by the second as she thought about the two girls she still loved. Her eyes glued to the cliffs and the crashing waves.

Why shouldn't I do it? She thought to herself.

The sounds of the ocean seemed very far away. Maddy Imagined how the freezing cold winter temperature of the water would feel like a thousand needles stabbing into every part  of  her as she sank into darkness. But she wasn't going to let that stop her.

The wind picked up within a few seconds and blew stronger now, whipping the drops of rain around her pale skin, drenching her brunette hair.

She stepped out to the edge, keeping her eyes on the empty space in front of her. Her feet caressed the edge of the damp rock when they encountered each other. She wanted to be as beautiful as the ocean, apart of it.

She closed her eyes thinking about her parents and how they would get on with their lives if she decided to take one more step. Although that brought Maddy more pain she wasn't sure she could handle being here anymore.

The strong winds blew roughly behind her, pressuring her to do it.

But she didn't. You see, even though the girl standing on top of the cliff wanted nothing more than to forget about the past ,she couldn't stop the future....at least not until she figured out why.

Why did they betray her like this? Why did they lie and break her heart? Why is scar dead? Why are some people in this town a part of it? And why does nothing make sense?

It's not that Maddy was scared to jump, she really wanted nothing more than to just do it, but the sadness turned into anger and wonder.

And the justice she craved now turned into revenge as she stood at the edge of the world....trying to think of a plan that would fix everything.

She wished she was dead.

And if she had kept her eyes shut, she could have almost touched the edges of oblivion.

But she made a promise and knew she had to keep it. A promise to find out what happened the final moments someone she loved was taken away from the world.

Even if it meant living the life she no longer wanted.


Author's Note:

I love this chapter, it reminds me of chapter 6. Sorry this one is so short, the next ones are all long until the end (the last chap is like 7000 words)! Billie's coming soon btw!

Word Count: 700/ 98,775

Chapter Song: High By The Beach - Lana Del Rey

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