2 - 𝘊𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘏𝘪𝘨𝘩

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My tired eyes shot open when I heard the sound of my mother repeatedly knocking on my bedroom door.

"Maddy! Come on, get up for school! It's your first day, you're not missing it." She insisted. I missed so many classes back home, maybe today is a chance for a fresh start.

"I'M UP!" I said loud enough, hoping she would go away. The thought of going to school, especially a new school on the first day, made me so nervous I could throw up. I was never extremely bullied in school or anything, it's being surrounded by people my age and teachers calling upon me that made me uncomfortable.

My feet touched the cold floor as I got up to get ready. I forgot I put Scar's old hoodie on before falling asleep. I miss waking up to her.

I hopped out of the shower, did my hair and put on some light makeup. Just a bit of concealer and mascara to look presentable. Besides, I had to look approachable if I wanted more clues about Scar's murder.

I looked in the bathroom mirror and whispered to myself, what the fuck am I gonna wear? Imagine if I wore something the girls wore in Euphoria. This conservative town would probably be gossiping about it for the next month. I'm taking a more Rue approach to my outfit, so I threw on a pair of black jeans and a tight long sleeve blue shirt to match, which made my green eyes more noticeable. I grabbed my backpack leaning against the white wall by the door and headed downstairs.

"Good morning sweetie, how did you sleep in your new room? Do you like the town so far?" She asked with a smile, bombarding me with questions.

"Mom, we haven't even been here for 24 hours and already you expect me to have an opinion on it? But it was okay, my room is so plain and boring. I think I'm gonna go shopping after school for some stuff to decorate with so I don't wanna die every time I'm in there." I complained.

Rooms should be personal to the person who's living in it. There's nothing I hated more than all the "newer" modern houses being built with white walls, white furniture, white everything. There's no flavour, no character or ideas about who the owner is.

"Did dad leave already?" I asked my mom while eating some vanilla yogurt with berries and granola, my go-to breakfast when I actually have the time to eat it.

"Oh yeah, he did about an hour ago since the university is pretty far." She explained. I don't know all that much about my dad. We never really talked, but I do know that he's extremely smart regarding science and a pretty good teacher. Apparently, all his students go on to get amazing successful jobs in their future.

I looked in the mirror quickly after finishing my yogurt, fixing my emerald butterfly necklace my mom gave me a few years ago. It was kind of a family tradition ever since my great grandmother gave her daughter a crystal butterfly necklace back in Italy in the 50s for her fifteenth birthday. My mom picked up mine from the same small store in Naples a few years back when she last visited.

I reminded myself of a game I used to play with Scar on her play station, it always talked about how scary the butterfly effect can be. It's insane that one small thing someone could decide to do can change the entire world, I thought to myself as I held my necklace and stepped outside.

I put on my black converse and walked out the door. The air was so cold and light in Washington. The feeling of the fall breeze outside was the best part of September. I could get used to this. I opened my car door and sat down in the driver's seat. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before driving to school which was only about 3 minutes from my house.

My parents bought me my black tesla after my dad got the same model and I fell in love with it, well after I finally got my license....6 tests later. Driving is hard, it's not my fault I almost ran two people over, they should have just moved out of the way.

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