9 - 𝘍𝘭𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘴

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A few days after I had spent the day at Billie's with her and her family, the spooky season of October had started. I always loved Autumn, something in the air felt so nostalgic. Carving pumpkins, watching the crunchy dead leaves fall from tall trees, baking Pillsbury Halloween cookies and scary movies was my idea of heaven.

I craved walking outside during cold and rainy late nights while getting excited for Halloween, it's so pleasing. The only thing not so fun about October is my birthday, which also happens to fall today, October 2nd. As well as the day we leave for Billie's cabin. I was planning on telling her but my birthday always sucks so maybe if I didn't tell anyone it wouldn't. Not sure how logical this idea is ,but I'm going to just go with it.

I looked around my insanely messy room searching for the pair of sweatpants I wanted to bring up. Jason said he's going to pick everyone up in his dad's truck in an hour, and of course I procrastinated until the last possible minute to pack.

I packed my journal as well just in case any ideas came to mind. I've been writing all the clues about Scars murder in there just in case I actually solve it.

I finished packing and took one more glance at my room which looked like a tornado struck it, just in case I forgot something important, because I always did. My mom always told me it's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it which is why it looks like I've been packing for a two week vacation.

I hear Jason honk the horn while I lugged my suitcase down the staircase as the small wheels hit every step. I was actually really excited to go up to the cabin, all the pictures Billie had showed me were so beautiful and the lake sparkled in every photo.

"Okay sweetie have fun tonight! Happy Birthday I hope you all have a good time celebrating it!" My mother said as she looked at me with her light sage coloured eyes while she admired me.

"I wish I could celebrate my baby's 18th birthday with her." She pouted at me.

"Mom it's okay, we can celebrate after the weekend." I tell her as I hear the horn honk again along with some yells from Zoe telling me to come out. I say goodbye to my mom as she hugs me, we never really hug but today's special for her I guess.

"MADDY LETS GO!" I hear Zoe and Jason yell again as I step out onto the grass putting my suitcase into the open trunk.

I flung the backdoor open as I held onto the seat hopping into the tall truck. I'm only 5'2 so all trucks are monster trucks in my eyes.

I look around the maroon colored metal truck and see Jason and Zoe in the front, and Alison between me and Robin, but no Billie?

"Jason, are we picking up Billie after or?" I ask him in confusion.

"Oh no she's already up there." Jason says as he looks at me through the rusty mirror hanging in the middle of the front window.

"Yeah Maddy she's already been up there for a few hours she said she would meet us later." Zoe chimed in looking back at me across from her seat in the front.

I've never spent time with the four of them without Billie. It wasn't awkward or anything since they are all very inviting, I mean aside from Robin who is resting her head on the window with headphones in.


"So this one is me and Billie at homecoming, and that is after homecoming when we got trashed and this one is the next morning-" Alison says as her words start to sound all gambled in my head. She's really nice, don't get me wrong, but she has been showing me every single picture on her phone for the past 50 minutes.

"Ali, chill out you haven't shut your mouth since we picked her up." An annoyed Robin says as she takes out her headphones and slides them in the pocket of her loose jeans.

𝙒𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙃𝙤𝙩 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 - 𝐵.𝐸Where stories live. Discover now