4 - 𝘚𝘱𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘉𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘉𝘺 40

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I sat quietly in class as I thought about how the last couple of days in Clearwater have been soothing opposed to depressing. Without Billie and her friends' company, this town would have nothing but an alarming feeling to it.

I wasn't sure how Billie was feeling, now knowing I dated the girl who died in this town. She hasn't brought it up again since that day, I think it makes her feel awkward. At least I know she keeps her promises.

On a better note, Billie seems to be glad to have met me, too. Zoe told me the other day at lunch that Bil looks happier, although she never told me what she meant. Happier opposed to what? How was Billie before I moved here? Her hand was currently resting a little above my knee. The warmth of her skin reminded me of our hug as she comforted me the other night in my room, and how that feeling never left.

"For the next few months, you will all be working on an assignment worth 30% of your grade. You will be allowed to choose your own partner, but make sure it is someone you work well with and can count on!" Our photography teacher informed us.

"30%?! What the fuck?!" I whispered over Billie's shoulder. She looked at me with wide eyes, in complete shock.

"For this project, you will need to pick an element and create a portfolio of photographs relating to that element. So you can choose water, earth, air, or fire. By the end, you must have at least 50 printed out professional photos along with an essay explaining them and your inspirations behind it. So get started this weekend!" Mrs. Miller explained to the class.

"You're gonna be my partner, right?" Bil leaned over to me and asked.

"Yeah of course, what element are we doing?" I ask her while noticing Zoe and Jason, and Robin and Ali have already teamed up.

"Hm... I was thinking fire cause that sounds pretty hot, literally." She says with a devilish smile.

"Hot, let's do it." I reply. I loved photography. It was always such a chill class even back in New York.

The end of the day came faster than expected. I've been here for almost a week and, honestly, I enjoyed it here. I mean, besides the whole murder thing, the town was serene and the people were friendly.

I waved bye to Billie as I walked up the path to my front door. She has been picking me up and driving me home everyday since we met. Talk about clingy...I'd be lying if I say I didn't like it.

"Maddy, come here for a second!" I hear my mom's voice yell from the kitchen. I'm surprised she's home so early today.

"How was school sweetheart?" She asks while baking an apple cinnamon pie. Weird, she never bakes.

"It was good, I hung out with Billie today and we got a new project for photography. What's with the pie, though?" I ask her as she rolls out the pie crust.

"I forgot to tell you, we're actually going to the Fox's for dinner tonight since we haven't seen them since we moved. They wanted you to come as well." She told me as my heart sank into my stomach.

"Oh...I mean- yeah, I'll come." I say hesitantly. I don't know if I'm ready to face Scar's parents. The last time I saw them was when she was still alive.

"Maddy, I know it's been hard for you since her death, but maybe going to their house tonight will give you some closure. Leah also said that, if you want to go through some of Scar's stuff, you're welcome to." She stopped baking for a moment to tell me. I can feel the sadness in her voice when she mentions the Fox's. I didn't just lose a best friend and a girlfriend, they also lost a daughter.

"We're going to leave at 8:30 when your father gets back home alright? So be ready. I don't want us to be late." My mom says as she goes back to baking the pie. It's so rude of her to pick this pie to make considering I'm allergic to apples.

𝙒𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙃𝙤𝙩 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 - 𝐵.𝐸Where stories live. Discover now